Obviously depends on what you like ... the places I usually hit:
- 1892 East -- wine bar in 5 Points area about a mile NE of downtown
- Phuket - Thai in Providence Main Street (off Univ Drive, NW of Redstone Arsenal)
- 2 Vietnamese places and House of Kabob (all near Univ Drive, NE of Redstone)
- the chains in Bridge Street (NW of Redstone) -- Connor's is the best of them
Have heard good things about Straight to Ale Brewery -- massive converted high school on Governors just west of downtown.
A lot of my co-workers like to go to Grille 29 -- steakhouse in Providence Main Street. I'm not a fan but that's my tastes. If the menu looks good to you, then go, it is a nice place.
Skip downtown. Pleasant but restaurants not that good, overpriced, or both. Except the Greek place which is truly awful.
While there, be sure to go to the Rocket Museum on I-565.