2024 NCAA's - Match/discussion threads (merged)

I know Fix has gotten unwatchable at this point, but you gotta feel something for a forever bridesmaid.
Simon Pegg Always The Bridesmaid Never The Bride GIF by BAFTA
They need to reward the opponent with a point if you lose the brick call then coaches might think twice about it. Also. Coaches should be able to challenge a call not throw bricks to get a call like locked hands otherwise why have refs at all. This is ridiculous I mean seriously how many missed locked hands calls were in this tournament probably close to a hundred
Not a fan of the length of the match or Fx in general but I enjoyed the high level defense from Fix because Vito brings a variety of attacks from different angles. Most guys would have given up the major there. Glad Vito won because he deserved it.
Fix shouldn’t have been in the finals that many times. He was given so many breaks to get there every time.
Fix has never had a go to leg attack but his inside trip was deadly. I can’t remember the last time I saw him hit it. Kind of weird how defensive he became throughout the years
141: #2 B.Bartlett vs. #1 J.Mendez (OHST)
Let's go Beau! Let's get one more!
Circling in the center, tying up, break
Back to center
Circling, tying up, breaking
Hand fighting, collar ties
Mendez tries a shot, nothing
Tying up & breaking
Mendez on his knees, then back up to his feet
More tying up & circling
Beau fakes a shot
Mendez back on his knees
Back to center, circling & tying up, feeling each other out still
1-min left
Mendez reaches for a leg, Beau fights him off,
Back to center
Circling, tying up
Beau reaches for a leg, but nothing
And the period ends with no scoring

Mendez takes down
Mendez to his feet, Beau locks in through the legs & drives him off the mat, restart
Mendez to his feet, breaks the grip & gets the escape 1-0
Tying up, circling in the center, faking shots, not much action
Ref blows the whistle & calls a stalemate, restart
Beau tapping at the head
Mendez tries a half shot
1-min left
Back to center, tying up & circling
Beau in on a single, Mendez scrambling, gets Beau's ankle, Beau working, Mendez holding on, and the period ends, no scoring.

Beau takes down
Mendez riding, chopping on the arm
Beau to his feet, then back to a knee, back to his feet
Breaks the grip & gets the escape 1-1
RT 30-sec Mendez
Back to center, circling & tying up
Under a minute left
Beau pushing in, break & back to circling
Beau in on a single, gets behind, trying to bring him down to the mat, Mendez rolls, scrambling & Mendez comes out & gets the TD on the counter 4-1
PSU throws the challenge brick with 1-sec on the clock
Under review
It sounds like PSU is challenging that Beau might have gotten a TD first, but it doesn't look good.
TD confirmed 4-1
That sucks!

#1 J.Mendez DEC #2 B.Bartlett 4-1

Great season Beau & thanks for all the bonus points!

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