62kg WFS - Round of 16 - Kayla Colleen Miracle VS Nesrin Bas (TUR)
Hand fighting of the whistle, Miracle in a lower stance than Bas
Bas working a 2 on 1, snaps & they're both on their knees now, Bas comes around for a TD, 2-0, restart
Miracle in on a leg off the whistle, Bas sprawls & stalemate, restart, 4:50 left
Miracle in on a leg again, gets a TD, 2-2, adv Miracle, restart, 4:22 left
Bas drops to a leg off the whistle, Miracle gets to Bas' leg now, working & stalemate, restart, 3:51 left
Bas drops in on a leg, Miracle sprawls, Bas trying to work around, but Miracle has a leg now too & exposes Bas, 4-2, stalemate, restart, 3:07 left
Miracle shoots off the whistle, Bas sprawls & that's how the period ends.
Bas straight to the leg off the whistle, Miracle fights her off & they're back to their feet
Miracle with a lot of fakes & faints
Bas reaches for a leg, nothing, Miracle counters, & works to finish the TD, 6-2, restart, 2:04 left
Miracle coming forward a little, Bas reaches for a leg, nothing, Bas appears to be getting tired
Miracle working a 2 on 1 & ref stops & restarts the wrestlers
Miracle drops in on a leg & gets another TD, 8-2, adds an exposure, 10-2, restart, 1:04 left
Bas shoots, nothing, Miracle gets to a leg, Bas whizzers hard & they're fighting for position on the mat, stalemate, restart, 42-sec left
Bas coming forward off the whistle, working an underhook, driving Miracle to the edge, but Miracle circles back in & drops in on a leg, Bas sprawls, stalemate, restart, 18-sec left
Miracle drops in on a leg off the whistle, Bas coming over the top, Miracle working & exposes Bas for the 12-2 TECH, just as time expires.
Kayla Colleen Miracle TECH Nesrin Bas 12-2
Hand fighting of the whistle, Miracle in a lower stance than Bas
Bas working a 2 on 1, snaps & they're both on their knees now, Bas comes around for a TD, 2-0, restart
Miracle in on a leg off the whistle, Bas sprawls & stalemate, restart, 4:50 left
Miracle in on a leg again, gets a TD, 2-2, adv Miracle, restart, 4:22 left
Bas drops to a leg off the whistle, Miracle gets to Bas' leg now, working & stalemate, restart, 3:51 left
Bas drops in on a leg, Miracle sprawls, Bas trying to work around, but Miracle has a leg now too & exposes Bas, 4-2, stalemate, restart, 3:07 left
Miracle shoots off the whistle, Bas sprawls & that's how the period ends.
Bas straight to the leg off the whistle, Miracle fights her off & they're back to their feet
Miracle with a lot of fakes & faints
Bas reaches for a leg, nothing, Miracle counters, & works to finish the TD, 6-2, restart, 2:04 left
Miracle coming forward a little, Bas reaches for a leg, nothing, Bas appears to be getting tired
Miracle working a 2 on 1 & ref stops & restarts the wrestlers
Miracle drops in on a leg & gets another TD, 8-2, adds an exposure, 10-2, restart, 1:04 left
Bas shoots, nothing, Miracle gets to a leg, Bas whizzers hard & they're fighting for position on the mat, stalemate, restart, 42-sec left
Bas coming forward off the whistle, working an underhook, driving Miracle to the edge, but Miracle circles back in & drops in on a leg, Bas sprawls, stalemate, restart, 18-sec left
Miracle drops in on a leg off the whistle, Bas coming over the top, Miracle working & exposes Bas for the 12-2 TECH, just as time expires.
Kayla Colleen Miracle TECH Nesrin Bas 12-2
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