Daton Fix Final 5

The only way to tell the difference between the two teams will be the singlet of team two will look like a Nascar uniform with every one that donated to the slush fund.

I chocked on my coffe on this one. LOL
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For selfish reasons I want him to choose PSU, however I want him to make the best decision he feels it would be for his future. Hoping they're one and the same, but in the end I wish him the best of luck and will look forward to watching him at the next level.
... Fix smashes Tognetti over the head with a steel chair, grabs the mic, announces for PSU, and calls the other schools' fans a bunch of pathetic fat losers.
How about Tognetti smatches Fix over the head with a steel chair if he picks someone else. MT grabs the mic and calls out his family for being a traitor to OSU. Since that isn't happening, I just want to thank Daton for trying up scholarship money from other schools for months on end!
How about Tognetti smatches Fix over the head with a steel chair if he picks someone else. MT grabs the mic and calls out his family for being a traitor to OSU. Since that isn't happening, I just want to thank Daton for trying up scholarship money from other schools for months on end!

Wittlake, RBY and Berge whIle waiting for Fix to make his decision. The advantage of having a slush fund to supplement the scholarships...:rolleyes:
Vais is interviewing him. says he is wrestling 125, up to the coach whether he will RS.
Says he's going 125...and redshirt/no redshirt, fine either way. And he picks the Cowboys...good luck to him.
the Neb hat and Ok St hat definetly have folded brims. PSu a little fold. O$U and UNC no fold of the brim.

biggest thing he didnt like is telling 4 schools he wasnt going too.
the place without the sticker is where he is going Ok St.

Togs congrats. Now get that pic with John!
now showing a framed pic that says homegrown cowboy with a cake.

and its over.
Can only say congrats to him. Looking forward to some epic battles between Suriano, Lee and Fix. Hoping that Suriano's focus on Folk style to this point gives him the edge over Lee and Fix splitting time between Folk and Free.

The "arms race" continues:)
Fix vs Lee vs Suriano. Wow! 125 is going to be something else in the coming years if those three are there. Congrats to Daton Fix- the kid is a great wrestler.

Yes. Definitely. Fireworks with those 3 kids.

Although, I doubt Fix & Suriano can hold 125 each of their four years. That will be curious to watch unfold.
How about Tognetti smatches Fix over the head with a steel chair if he picks someone else. MT grabs the mic and calls out his family for being a traitor to OSU. Since that isn't happening, I just want to thank Daton for trying up scholarship money from other schools for months on end!
Indeed, Cael was so close to securing verbals from the firstborns of Wittlake, Berge, and RBY, but with Fix leaving things up in the air he had to settle for them only. Nicely played Mr. Fix, and congrats on your choice.
ratings for such events will certainly start to go downhill. Glad I boycotted this one!
I knew this was going to happen...Spyker only called for a FULL COURT PRESS once or twice I think. With a guy like Fix, you have to have at least a dozen FULL COURT PRESSES. Great job failed getting both Lee and Fix.
Didn't cup his hands
The Fix is in!


For You!
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Daton made the right choice, OSU baby!
I whiffed on this. Thought it'd be PSU. And how would you know if this is the right choice or not? That won't be determined for a few years if ever. And didn't you once say Marstellar made the right choice when he settled on OSU? I don't know if you did or not to be honest but I'd bet you did. As for Fix I wish him well and really do hope he indeed made the "right" choice.
Thats what everyone said about Matt McD. Who really knows?

I have a ton of respect for McD, but he had to hold 125 because of Ramos at 133.

And I feel bad for McD, but that cut had to be brutal for him and I think the wear & tear, recovery, etc would have been easier on him if he bumped to 133.

He just seemed to run out of gas end of his senior year, and I wonder how much of it was the cut.

It's ashame for him and Iowa fans too, because he was brilliant for you guys. I have a ton of respect for McD.

Anyway ... my point, sometimes these kids need to gain a little mass over their 4 yr career.

It's a grueling sport over 4 yrs. The body needs fuel to repair itself. Just my opinion.