GOT: Season 7 finale

Agreed. No way they kill off tormund and Beric without showing it. Although they weren't in every episode, they played some pretty major roles to just kill them off without confirmation. Pretty sure they made it to the "west" side of the wall that didn't come down. It will be interesting to see how they make their next appearance. Its not like they can really run ahead and warn ppl because the ww are now in front of them so do they show up from behind while they are attacking one of the castles closets to east watch
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Which should make him really dangerous. He should now be able to go and watch the cersei and jamie map room discussion and then relay that the lannisters arent coming. It would also let them know what Cersie is doing with the golden co. which could be headed off.

This then could lead to get word to Jaime to stop off at River Run and bring Edmure Tully with his forces under him north. Also this betrayal could be enough to push Arya south to finish off her list.

I expect Arya, the Hound and possibly Jamie will be tasked with taking care of Cersei and the Mountain once they find out from Jamie that Cersei is not coming. Arya's character development demands that her role next year be something other than being part of the army to fight the dead. Her story line is much more interesting if she is involved in a covert plan to kill Cersei. Further, the Hound's story line definitely involves an epic fight to the finish with his brother. Jamie's participation will be necessary to take control of the Lannister forces after Cersei is killed by Arya.
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I expect Arya, the Hound and possibly Jamie will be tasked with taking care of Cersei and the Mountain once they find out from Jamie that Cersei is not coming. Arya's character development demands that her role next year be something other than being part of the army to fight the dead. Her story line is much more interesting if she is involved in a covert plan to kill Cersei. Further, the Hound's story line definitely involves an epic fight to the finish with his brother. Jamie's participation will be necessary to take control of the Lannister forces after Cersei is killed by Arya.

Hmmm.... I shared your theory with my brother and he suspected this is more than just a guess on your part (if you know what I mean). Still, it makes the most sense and will hopefully be fun to watch.

He also shared this image, which he thinks lends more credence to the idea that Bran and the Night King share some kind of bond...look familiar?

C'mon, Midnighter. The Tweet you attached had the guy positing that Bran and the Night King are one and the same person. Pretty sure they are two separate people. As for them being linked, perhaps. The Night King and the Three Eyed Raven both have a connection to the Children of the Forest, but the Night King killed the old Three Eyed Raven, so I think it's clear they are on opposite sides.

The Children's whole story is a bit fuzzy to me. I'm not sure whether they are good guys, bad guys, or elementals who are neither good nor bad. Pretty sure the Night King is a bad guy.
C'mon, Midnighter. The Tweet you attached had the guy positing that Bran and the Night King are one and the same person. Pretty sure they are two separate people. As for them being linked, perhaps. The Night King and the Three Eyed Raven both have a connection to the Children of the Forest, but the Night King killed the old Three Eyed Raven, so I think it's clear they are on opposite sides.

The Children's whole story is a bit fuzzy to me. I'm not sure whether they are good guys, bad guys, or elementals who are neither good nor bad. Pretty sure the Night King is a bad guy.

Lots of people believe Bran and the Night King are the same person. I don't, but do believe he is connected to the Starks.
Lots of people believe Bran and the Night King are the same person. I don't, but do believe he is connected to the Starks.
I think it's pretty much a given that The Night King is a Stark from long ago. The Starks are descended from The Children of the Forest, so there's always been a link.
It would be great if they showed back story next season about the night king and who he was originally and it turned out to be a famous Stark ancestor.
It would be great if they showed back story next season about the night king and who he was originally and it turned out to be a famous Stark ancestor.

I would like them to take us right to the point of knowing who the knight king is but not show us in the TV show. Then leave it to mystery, or one of the spin offs or for when the books finally get done.
Hmmmm... been thinking of The Hound and The Mountain and their potential epic confrontation. I have a feeling the only way to truly defeat The Mountain is going to be the element he used to disfigure his brother... and could it be the end for the one is the end for both?
No inside info on this but isn't the mountain basically dead and brought back. I wonder if the WW take control of him and he kill Cersi. Also a side note... Im surprised they didn't show anything else with the sand snakes locked in the dungeon
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So, looks like there was a scene that was cut that helps explains what happened with Arya and Sansa, but makes their interactions a lot more curious/questionable....this from the actor who plays Bran:

“We actually did a scene that clearly got cut, a short scene with Sansa where she knocks on Bran’s door and says, ‘I need your help,’ or something along those lines. So basically, as far as I know, the story was that it suddenly occurred to Sansa that she had a huge CCTV department at her discretion and it might be a good idea to check with him first before she guts her own sister. So she goes to Bran, and Bran tells her everything she needs to know, and she’s like, ‘Oh, shit.’”
So, looks like there was a scene that was cut that helps explains what happened with Arya and Sansa, but makes their interactions a lot more curious/questionable....this from the actor who plays Bran:

“We actually did a scene that clearly got cut, a short scene with Sansa where she knocks on Bran’s door and says, ‘I need your help,’ or something along those lines. So basically, as far as I know, the story was that it suddenly occurred to Sansa that she had a huge CCTV department at her discretion and it might be a good idea to check with him first before she guts her own sister. So she goes to Bran, and Bran tells her everything she needs to know, and she’s like, ‘Oh, shit.’”

Dang, definitely should've been a 10 episode season. Things like that are important. I'm going to assume that convo took place before the private convos between Arya and Sansa, and the only reason they spoke the way they did was because they assumed someone would listen. Though why not just kill him, why play a game for a while first. Oh well.
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So I brought up the Bran rumor, which I don't actually believe, but I am intrigued about what's up with Tyrion. By that meaning, is he not actually on Dany's side?

How many of his ideas have been helpful to Dany? His deal with slave owners in Mereen? Nope. The awful military plans once in Westeros? Disaster. The plan to send key people vital to Dany north of the wall? All that got her was a dead dragon. And he really keeps trying to get her not to use dragons, because they would destroy Lannister armies and strongholds. Now he seems upset by the Dany/Jon love...perhaps because that's such an unstoppable alliance once that close. Oh, and he told Cersei he never wanted to destroy the Lannisters, he wanted to save them. Guessing he knows Cersei was lying about helping, after all, he told Jon just a few scenes earlier that it's ok to just lie sometimes.

I'd be shocked if Tyrion is really helping Cersei, but that's a lot of evidence only otherwise explained by incompetence and lack of intelligence, which Tyrion isn't short on.
So I brought up the Bran rumor, which I don't actually believe, but I am intrigued about what's up with Tyrion. By that meaning, is he not actually on Dany's side?

How many of his ideas have been helpful to Dany? His deal with slave owners in Mereen? Nope. The awful military plans once in Westeros? Disaster. The plan to send key people vital to Dany north of the wall? All that got her was a dead dragon. And he really keeps trying to get her not to use dragons, because they would destroy Lannister armies and strongholds. Now he seems upset by the Dany/Jon love...perhaps because that's such an unstoppable alliance once that close. Oh, and he told Cersei he never wanted to destroy the Lannisters, he wanted to save them. Guessing he knows Cersei was lying about helping, after all, he told Jon just a few scenes earlier that it's ok to just lie sometimes.

I'd be shocked if Tyrion is really helping Cersei, but that's a lot of evidence only otherwise explained by incompetence and lack of intelligence, which Tyrion isn't short on.

Just a string of bad luck I think. I firmly believe he supports Dany but thinks like Daario and others, Jon is a distraction. She needs to keep her eyes on the prize! His talks with Varys are telling - both like Dany because they believe she's a good person who would rule justly. Also, the alternative - the psychotic Cersei - is much worse. I think he thought he would be able to convince Jaime and Cersei that they're on the wrong side, and to be fair, he succeeded with Jaime (who also had Drogon help him get to that realization).
So I brought up the Bran rumor, which I don't actually believe, but I am intrigued about what's up with Tyrion. By that meaning, is he not actually on Dany's side?

How many of his ideas have been helpful to Dany? His deal with slave owners in Mereen? Nope. The awful military plans once in Westeros? Disaster. The plan to send key people vital to Dany north of the wall? All that got her was a dead dragon. And he really keeps trying to get her not to use dragons, because they would destroy Lannister armies and strongholds. Now he seems upset by the Dany/Jon love...perhaps because that's such an unstoppable alliance once that close. Oh, and he told Cersei he never wanted to destroy the Lannisters, he wanted to save them. Guessing he knows Cersei was lying about helping, after all, he told Jon just a few scenes earlier that it's ok to just lie sometimes.

I'd be shocked if Tyrion is really helping Cersei, but that's a lot of evidence only otherwise explained by incompetence and lack of intelligence, which Tyrion isn't short on.

My guess is he promises Cersi her baby would take over the throne once Danny is gone. Might explain why he looked upset with Jon and danny hooking up. That plan would go out the window. Remember in a earlier episode he was pretty pushy about who takes over after her (danny)
So, looks like there was a scene that was cut that helps explains what happened with Arya and Sansa, but makes their interactions a lot more curious/questionable....this from the actor who plays Bran:

“We actually did a scene that clearly got cut, a short scene with Sansa where she knocks on Bran’s door and says, ‘I need your help,’ or something along those lines. So basically, as far as I know, the story was that it suddenly occurred to Sansa that she had a huge CCTV department at her discretion and it might be a good idea to check with him first before she guts her own sister. So she goes to Bran, and Bran tells her everything she needs to know, and she’s like, ‘Oh, shit.’”

WTF?!?! If this is true, why on earth would they cut that? They basically didn't even have to show any dialogue. Could have just been a knock on the door and a "bran can we talk?"... end scene
Dang, definitely should've been a 10 episode season. Things like that are important. I'm going to assume that convo took place before the private convos between Arya and Sansa, and the only reason they spoke the way they did was because they assumed someone would listen. Though why not just kill him, why play a game for a while first. Oh well.

They had time for it. The producers decided to cut to make the Arya/Littlefinger trial more suspenseful.
one of the questions in my head....its obvious Euron intends to marry Cersei. Its widely speculated that Cersei dies next season. Does a Euron and Cersei marriage, make him King at her death?
I don't understand Cersie's thinking. The idea presented to her by Danny and Jon was a truce to allow the northerners to take care of the night king. Basically, Cersei would stand down while her enemies took care of another enemy. Cersei says she will go one better and join them in the fight against the dead. She then tells Jamie she will not go north. Why bother to agree to do so initially? She could have just agreed to the truce and carried out her plans without pissing off Jamie and showing her trustworthiness. Seems pretty stupid to me

Also,why didn't anyone point out that any losses suffered by the northerners become reinforcements for the night king. Seems like a good argument to make to Cersei.