I like our record against you since CJF has taken over (4-1). And I consider the 2020 pandemic year to be an asterisk on all reasonable accounts.
You can come here to a free board and post your semi-relevant football program trash all you want but don't expect anything but a hostile or mocking reception.
You will find plenty of encouragement from the secret self-loathers, haters, and trolls (they are all actually trolls) that frequent this board (constantly), but no self-respecting Penn State fan considers Iowa to be anywhere near the same level as Penn State (football). In fact, if it weren't for 5 years in the 2000s when we completely lost our way, and a criminal over-reach 10 years ago by the NCAA, I don't think anyone, anywhere would put us on the same page.
I am sure this will be a tough game for a quarter, but we have too much talent at every skill position and too much in our defensive back 7 to be seriously challenged by you guys. Without a ton of screw ups, we will shut your crowd down and the place will be half empty by the 3rd quarter.