Illinois dual thread - Feb 16

I might be nuts but I thought Cole did really good against Feldman. He damn near got him at the end of the first period and actually looked good on his attacks. Let's see if he learned anything...
Yeah, not shabby at all.
Just a remarkably dumb 25 seconds from Cole who had been wrestling a good match.

Took the stall as he was cutting him and then took an awful shot to give away 3 points
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285 - Cole Mirasola (219.6 pounds) VS #10 Luke Luffman (259.6 pounds)

Period 1:
Luffman looks much bigger than Cole. Luffman is a big boy. Circling & tying up. Cole reaches for a leg, but no luck. More tying up, circling & pushing. Cole reaches for an ankle, but can't get there. Luffman isn't doing much more than pushing & blocking. Cole with some snaps & another no luck shot. Luffman is blocking off everything Cole is trying to do. Cole reaches for a leg again, but can't get there. Luffman drives forward & reaches for a leg, but Cole circles away. More tying up & pushing to end the 1st. 0-0

Period 2:
Luffman takes down. He gets to his feet, but Cole trips him back to the mat. Luffman gets to his feet again, but Cole drags him down & gets Luffman bellied out. Luffman gets back to his feet on the edge. Cole is trying to push him out, but he can't & Cole gets hit with a stall warning. Luffman is just too big for him to move. Cole shoots & gets a leg. Luffman sprawls back, comes around & locks up a cradle. Cole fights off the cradle, but gives up the TD, 3-0. Cole gets up, but Luffman brings him back down hard. Cole gets back to his feet, but Luffman just picks him up & slams him back into the mat. Luffman has Cole bellied out & rides out the period. 4-0 Luffman. I think Cole got a 2nd stall call & Luffman got a point during the period.

Period 3:
Mirasola takes neutral. Circling & tying up for the first minute. Luffman blocks off everything Cole tries. Cole can't break through the brick wall named Luffman. Stoppage & restart. Cole shoots, Luffman sprawls back hard, but they work back to their feet. More circling & tying up to end the match.

Luke Luffman DEC Cole Mirasola 4-0

Final Team Score

PSU: 29
ILL: 9

That's the 70th straight dual win for PSU.
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Was hoping to see Cole get to legs against a much bigger Luffman. That was pretty disappointing.
Not a bad showing for Mirasola. Needs to put on some good weight.
Agree. Luffman didn't do a lot. Had 1 half shot off an underhook throwby. His points came from Mirasola's shot, an escape, and a riding time (not sure if he secured that or not). I think if Mirasola is closer in weight that match is a little different. I also think Cole needs to change his style slightly when wrestling someone much bigger. Giving up that much weight and getting trapped underneath on a low shot isn't ideal.
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Levi seemed to lose his offense the last 3 Matches…more defensive. Kind of odd.
Braunagel isn't that easy to score on and is pretty good at keeping matches close. It was a workmanlike performance by Haines; no fireworks but did what he needed to do and controlled the bout.

And in case you haven't noticed, Kharchla is pretty damn good. No one is likely to score a ton against him. That was actually a very good win for Haines, particularly after giving up the initial TD.
Illinois defended vigorously, and exhibited good sportsmanship. That’s the only nice stuff I really have to say. Defend. Defend. Defend. I commend Braeden for being fairly aggressive even though it cost him. Wouldn’t be surprised with a Kasak-like run from him.
Always comical on these threads hearing older men critique D1 wrestlers, even more so when the target is a freshman. Joe Sealey may never beat out Tyler, or MM, or PJ for a starting spot at PSU, but I’m glad he believes he can, despite all our precious, informed doubts and instructions on how he needs to improve. ;)
Always comical on these threads hearing older men critique D1 wrestlers, even more so when the target is a freshman. Joe Sealey may never beat out Tyler, or MM, or PJ for a starting spot at PSU, but I’m glad he believes he can, despite all our precious, informed doubts and instructions on how he needs to improve. ;)
If we can’t pay to attend or watch them wrestle, perhaps donate towards what they do, and offer the occasional opinion about what we see, then what are we even doing here?
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Always comical on these threads hearing older men critique D1 wrestlers, even more so when the target is a freshman. Joe Sealey may never beat out Tyler, or MM, or PJ for a starting spot at PSU, but I’m glad he believes he can, despite all our precious, informed doubts and instructions on how he needs to improve. ;)
This is a sports message board, if there were no critiques of athletes on here it would be the only message board in the world without them.
That whizzer was late. Angel always has to f’up. Pathetic!

The whizzer has to be in place before they hit the deck... Sealy was in a clear "control position" when they hit the deck with at least 3 points of contact - that's a takedown. You can't "create" a whizzer in arrears.... it has to be there BEFORE they hit the mat with one wrestler in a control position.