The incident at the Luther Open was in an article on that ADS told Cullin Schriever's dad "I'll kill you now or later." The article was removed shortly after being posted. There are posts from people claiming to be at the event and hearing ADS say it on several different forums.Yes. I thought that was obvious but I might be mistaken. If people said "oh he must have said something bad to not be allowed on the stand" I would have said OK. When the narrative is "he said he would kill her" and it gets passed around as truth with no proof then I have a problem with it. Hell for all I know that is what he said and if it did happen I would say he should have been scratched from the tourney and all points deducted. I said some bad sh!t in my day
As for the NCAA tournament, I believe a media person tweeted he heard what Austin said (mentioned above) but I can't find it. Not sure if the tweet was deleted or still around.
I have no idea if ADS said it at either event or not. I'm not hear to pass judgement on anyone and I wish I remember who tweeted out but I believe that is why people here talk about it.