Is an OC hotboard coming?

I do not want Brady for that exact reason. Play calling experience is important IMO

Gleeson is the guy I prefer

Thats why I would love to have maybe a co-oc that includes Brady as the co-oc/QB guy. I just think right now he is going to be very popular and I believe we have a better chance at the 5 star qb with him around the program. Problem is he isnt going to come to be a qb guy only, nor would we pay him to do just that.
I’d say the opposite. If it was an internal promotion, it would be announced quickly. Why would a promotion take longer then an external hire?
Don't know. Could be because they need to find the right fit to replace Rahne as QB coach or it could be a co-oc like a Bowen/ Marcus Brady. I just don't see CJF moving too far from the Moorhead Offense. Bowen has that exposure and so does Andrew Breiner. I've even speculated the extreme....that Franklin takes play calling responsibility. I believe all of these are more likely than PSU landing a "dream OC."
Thats why I would love to have maybe a co-oc that includes Brady as the co-oc/QB guy. I just think right now he is going to be very popular and I believe we have a better chance at the 5 star qb with him around the program. Problem is he isnt going to come to be a qb guy only, nor would we pay him to do just that.
No way Brady leaves LSU for a co-anything position
Don't know. Could be because they need to find the right fit to replace Rahne as QB coach or it could be a co-oc like a Bowen/ Marcus Brady. I just don't see CJF moving too far from the Moorhead Offense. Bowen has that exposure and so does Andrew Breiner. I've even speculated the extreme....that Franklin takes play calling responsibility. I believe all of these are more likely than PSU landing a "dream OC."
Chance of Franklin taking over play calling close to 0%
Thats why I would love to have maybe a co-oc that includes Brady as the co-oc/QB guy. I just think right now he is going to be very popular and I believe we have a better chance at the 5 star qb with him around the program. Problem is he isnt going to come to be a qb guy only, nor would we pay him to do just that.
For sure. I’d love to have Brady here... just not as the OC

but that will never happen
The longer it goes, the more I think the OC is already on staff and we're looking for a QB guru.

I think this could be one of the options.

Rahne was the QB Coach in addition to OC, so we are not only replacing the OC but also the QB Coach. This is why I think Franklin is looking at either 2 options:

1. Hire an OC from the outside who also has experience working with QBs. The new guy would slot into all of Rahne's old duties & titles of OC/QB Coach.

2. Promote from within Bowen OR the route of co-OCs with Bowen and Sieder, where Bowen would be OC/Run Game and Sieder would be OC/Pass Game. And then bring in a QB specific coach.
No way Brady leaves LSU for a co-anything position

Exactly. People are thinking that he is going to just give up all this $$ and all the job titles just to return to good old State College, PA. I believe Brady is from FL, he could very much like living in Baton Rouge way more than he ever liked his 2 years in PA
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Until Franklin signs his extension I don't believe we will see an OC hire. After he's signed if we don't see a hire within a few days I believe the new OC will likely be coming from a playoff team. Just my 2 cents...
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Until Franklin signs his extension I don't believe we will see an OC hire. After he's signed if we don't see a hire within a few days I believe the new OC will likely be coming from a playoff team. Just my 2 cents...

I could be wrong, but I believe Franklin has signed it, but it just has not been publicly released.
I haven’t seen anything credible to indicate the hire is going to be internal. Rahne was promoted three days after Moorhead left, and we’re already past that point. It’s not like there’s any rush - the new hire probably wouldn’t ever be a part of the bowl prep, regardless of when the hire is made.
Is Bob Phillips still alive? Used to love how he'd coach our QB's to drop back backwards (i.e., right handed QB's dropped back with their left shoulder away from the line of scrimmage), then have to pivot 180 degrees to actually throw a pass.

Question... does that technique work with the RPO? o_O
OT but the first time I saw a QB do that, I thought WTF?? But it was obvious thats the way he was coached.

But that was like 50 yrs ago, right in Bob's wheelhouse, so who knows maybe thats the way they did it.
I haven’t seen anything credible to indicate the hire is going to be internal. Rahne was promoted three days after Moorhead left, and we’re already past that point. It’s not like there’s any rush - the new hire probably wouldn’t ever be a part of the bowl prep, regardless of when the hire is made.

I would agree. The "only" reason I could see a rush right now would be if the staff felt we were at risk of losing a few high profile Offensive recruits because they were uneasy about not knowing who their new OC will be. But as long as Franklin feels all the verbals are secure, then yes, you are correct, there really is no big super rush............................ Oh, other than to make this board happy.
I would agree. The "only" reason I could see a rush right now would be if the staff felt we were at risk of losing a few high profile Offensive recruits because they were uneasy about not knowing who their new OC will be. But as long as Franklin feels all the verbals are secure, then yes, you are correct, there really is no big super rush............................ Oh, other than to make this board happy.

And isn't this most important?!
Just saw that on Mike Yurcich Wikipedia page, he is listed as future PSU OC. Didn’t that happen last week with Sean Gleeson? Weird.He is from Ohio so I don’t know about that possibility, but it would be a step up in position.
Just saw that on Mike Yurcich Wikipedia page, he is listed as future PSU OC. Didn’t that happen last week with Sean Gleeson? Weird.He is from Ohio so I don’t know about that possibility, but it would be a step up in position.
He is the third guy to be listed as such on Wikipedia. Someone is having fun
There is no one on the current staff even close to qualified for a OC position at a program the level of PSU.

If there is someone on staff who has that potential in their future, my best hunch (and it wouldn't be any more than that) would be Bowen. But if CJF places an unqualified current staff member in that spot (again) he's playing with fire..... and I can't imagine he doesn't know that better than anyone.
I agree. I do have a concern that Seider wants the position and will look to leave if he doesn’t see a path at PSU.
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I've heard some names from my buddies including:

Joe Brady lsu co oc<unrealistic>
Marcus Brady - Indianapolis Colts qb coach
Sean Gleeson - OK State
Nick Hill - Southern Illinois HC
Chuck Long - ex ND OC
James Perry - HC @Brown
Warren Ruggerio - Wforest OC
Minnesota Gophers OC - K. Carracio >spelling?>
Mike Yurcich the Buckeyes' passing game coordinator.
Other NFL guys perhaps

I've heard some names from my buddies including:

Joe Brady lsu co oc<unrealistic>
Marcus Brady - Indianapolis Colts qb coach
Sean Gleeson - OK State
Nick Hill - Southern Illinois HC
Chuck Long - ex ND OC
James Perry - HC @Brown
Warren Ruggerio - Wforest OC
Minnesota Gophers OC - K. Carracio >spelling?>
Mike Yurcich the Buckeyes' passing game coordinator.
Other NFL guys perhaps

Sounds like your buddies read the same articles we did
No idea where he heard the names, but I believe it will be one of those names. I will find out more.

I hope its Gleeson or Mike Y. from OSU.

It will not be a current staff member per my source.

What have you guys heard?
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I've heard some names from my buddies including:

Joe Brady lsu co oc<unrealistic>
Marcus Brady - Indianapolis Colts qb coach
Sean Gleeson - OK State
Nick Hill - Southern Illinois HC
Chuck Long - ex ND OC
James Perry - HC @Brown
Warren Ruggerio - Wforest OC
Minnesota Gophers OC - K. Carracio >spelling?>
Mike Yurcich the Buckeyes' passing game coordinator.
Other NFL guys perhaps

Truly groundbreaking stuff.
No idea where he heard the names, but I believe it will be one of those names. I will find out more.

I hope its Gleeson or Mike Y. from OSU.

It will not be a current staff member per my source.

What have you guys heard?
I'll have to check with 21 Guns and West Branch Warrior.
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No idea where he heard the names, but I believe it will be one of those names. I will find out more.

I hope its Gleeson or Mike Y. from OSU.

It will not be a current staff member per my source.

What have you guys heard?
Buddy, if you’re going to just boost stuff from behind the paywall and pass it off as “your source,” then at least have the dignity to use a different username than the one you had a hissy fit with on TOS.

I've heard some names from my buddies including:

Joe Brady lsu co oc<unrealistic>
Marcus Brady - Indianapolis Colts qb coach
Sean Gleeson - OK State
Nick Hill - Southern Illinois HC
Chuck Long - ex ND OC
James Perry - HC @Brown
Warren Ruggerio - Wforest OC
Minnesota Gophers OC - K. Carracio >spelling?>
Mike Yurcich the Buckeyes' passing game coordinator.
Other NFL guys perhaps
Lol we have read these names for a week. Thanks for the "inside" info lol.