Neither am I. (You may have even told me so at one point!

I don't mind what I perceive to be a level-headed, name-calling-free, discussion involving opposing opinions. Like adults can sometimes have. Those are hard to found on here, no matter what the subject, far too often!
And I am part of the problem at times with certain posters who are on my personal 'ignore' waiting list. I try to catch myself, but sometimes it just feels too damn good to throw out that fun little slam.
You know what I mean, right, bjf?!
Other times, even with the insults and slams and such, the info or POV provided by certain posters still provides an interesting angle or thought. Not all that often, but enough where I will decide to wade through their muck and mire to see if I can learn something or understand something better. That is why I doubt I will ever put you on ignore, bjf. Sometimes, when I can decipher what you are trying to get across, it's a "Hmmm. Interesting." moment. But not being a rocket surgeon, it can be tough to keep up with you!