Michigan match thread - Fri, Jan 19

Did you catch Cael saying, "If he goes on Friday" about Kasak? Interesting and curious. Hopefully he does go because obviously this is a big measuring stick and he shouldn't be shocked or concerned should he lose that match, assuming he puts up a good fight.
Actually, I'm pretty confident about 165. MM is giving me DT vibes and I'm not sure he's ever going to lose to anyone that is not NC caliber, although he has to prove it. But he absolutely torched a very, very good wrestler last week which just doesn't happen. Playing with his food.

133 will be close, 285 could be close. If people think 141 won't be close they aren't paying attention. 184 could be in play, but I hope not, that would not be great.

Put those together with two matches that we ARE underdogs in - 125, 149 - and odds say we are losing 3, maybe 4 if things don't break our way. 125 and 149 - if you drill down on their results this year, they still are question marks. Improving, yes, but people are getting way too far ahead of themselves. Each of their signature wins is over guys that are very suspect this year and they've also had some pretty close matches with borderline qualifier types.
Respect your POV, but feel 141 won't be in much doubt. But 3 losses wouldn't surprise me much at all--4 would a little.
Cael's thoughts:

MM is "Killer"...

That caught my ear in the interview as well. I thought it was slightly uncharacteristic of Cael to speak about one of the wrestlers that way. Based on that, MM is on the road to doing some great things and we're all along for the ride.

At about 9:50 "We obviously didn't know that he was going to be the killer that he is"
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I picked Nagoa to lose only because I really do not believe we will shut them out. Being bias towards our freshmen and really wanting them to win I can not, will not pick against them (until they lose). Although deep down I really do believe they are more likely to lose than nagao but not by much. So I can see losing 3, 4 is a stretch but crazy things do happen all the time.

And yes I know kasak lost one early in the year but has bounced back in a very very impressing manner.
Respect your POV, but feel 141 won't be in much doubt. But 3 losses wouldn't surprise me much at all--4 would a little.
3 of his last 4 matches have been decided in the last 30 seconds or OT and the best of those wrestlers is ranked about 14th (Kasak). The other two - not sure they are any different than Lemley.

That's just him. But expect him to get burned by it occasionally.
Flo has some videos today with JD interviewing some of the Michigan wrestlers. Griffith, while being respectful made an off hand comment like he expects to win. You know Carter going to take that as a slight and come out hungrier than normal.

Lewan was also interviewed. He definetly going Friday and looks forward to showing he’s the top guy at the weight.

Cam Amine claims he’s never seen MM wrestle and that the coaches are giving him some things to look for. LOL yeah right he hasn’t seen him wrestle. He claims he hasn’t been offensive enough and vows to just go out and score points. I hope he starts this new look Friday because if he opens it up, Psycho will tech him

To be clear..neither guy was being cocky, but these types of interviews have me feeling Levi, MM and Star going to make statements
Seriously.....Is this more like what you are looking to hear from the Michigan wrestlers? :

Griffith: "I know I have no chance in Hell to win. I just want to make it to the end with all my limbs intact" I will most likely just roll over like a 2-bit Hooker".

Lewan: "I realize I am nobody's pick to be an AA let alone be top guy at my weight. I am just hoping that my mother doesn't fall asleep watching me wrestle.............again"

Amine: " I have never watched him wrestle. My mom covers my eyes when he wrestles. I plan on being more offensive this match, which is why I'm not wearing deodorant. For good luck....I coaches gave me two pennies. They said it was for my eyes. Haven't heard that one before, but I trust my coaches"

"Athletes need to be confident in their abilities....or why even bother".......... Matt Ramos
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3 of his last 4 matches have been decided in the last 30 seconds or OT and the best of those wrestlers is ranked about 14th (Kasak). The other two - not sure they are any different than Lemley.

That's just him. But expect him to get burned by it occasionally.


Beau has wrestled 5 matches against guys ranked 12-23; 4 were one-TD matches in regulation.

We need to let go of the notion that he will dominate a top-25 kid. I think he is capable of doing so, but that just isn't who he is.
My freshman year, at Penn State, on our floor we had a rather weird/strange guy from New Jersey. His last name was Friedell and I came up with the nickname Freef*ckell unfortunately for him it stuck immediately and for the next 4 years, that’s what he was called. Boy did he hate that nickname.

My junior year in Pinchot, I was tagged "Beef" or "The Beef".

We also had a "Stargazer" and a few others.

"Gazer" was famous for taking the four worst classes in EE and acing them. He also came up with gems like "I don't know what we're doing this weekend, but I'm pretty sure it involves alcohol."

The 80's were different.

Beau has wrestled 5 matches against guys ranked 12-23; 4 were one-TD matches in regulation.

We need to let go of the notion that he will dominate a top-25 kid. I think he is capable of doing so, but that just isn't who he is.
Dean Heil didn't either. He has 2 national championships.

Get your hand raised. Beau does that just fine.
Interesting thing about this match is pretty much every psu wrestler (other than maybe Bernie) who isn’t already ranked no 1 has real rankings upside (ie, not just maintenance) with a victory.
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Noticed he's ranked ninth at the moment. From where I sit, It's very hard to believe there are eight people at 165 better than Mitchell Mesenbrink.

His aggressiveness is obvious, but even better is that it always looks to be directed aggression. He never appears to attack just to be attacking. There's always a plan as to what move is next and he's apparently flexible- and experienced enough to quickly move from Plan 'A' to Plan 'B' as the situation dictates.

Was trying to think of another Sanderson-era wrestler to compare him with, but really couldn't. His style and intensity of directed aggression seem unique. At the beginning of the season he did seem to settle into 165 rather quickly, especially for a newcomer, so maybe the staff thought they saw something there. Now, as the B1G season kicks off, others appear to be "seeing something there" as well. My own take is that a National Championship isn't out of the question this year and that more than one is very likely in his future.
A national championship this year certainly isn’t out of the question, but there’s a long way to go before I get to any expectations for it, given the caliber of the guys still in front of him (i.e. KOT & Carr). If he & Levi were switched in the lineup, I’d already be thinking about it for him at 157, but I’m going to pump the brakes a bit at 165. Amine is a great milestone checkpoint for him. If he dominates Anime, it’s one step closer to a reality.

Even if MM blows through Amine & Caliendo in the regular season and Hamiti in the B1Gs, I’m going to be more conservative about his chances against KOT given their kind of big brother relationship. Mentally, it’s hard to get over the hump against a guy who’s been beating up on you since you were a kid, even if you’ve surpassed him as you’ve matured.
Just cat-killing curiosity. Are pre-match weigh-in weights known? And do we know any recent one for Mesenbrink?
Just cat-killing curiosity. Are pre-match weigh-in weights known? And do we know any recent one for Mesenbrink?
I picked Nagoa to lose only because I really do not believe we will shut them out. Being bias towards our freshmen and really wanting them to win I can not, will not pick against them (until they lose). Although deep down I really do believe they are more likely to lose than nagao but not by much. So I can see losing 3, 4 is a stretch but crazy things do happen all the time.

And yes I know kasak lost one early in the year but has bounced back in a very very impressing manner.
Kasak's loss was against Beau. I think that's forgivable. LOL.
It could be closer than people expect, but a thrashing is also possible.

Remember the hype for the 2022 dual? And then Michigan just didn’t show up.

Who knows what tomorrow has in store. All I really expect is that lineups will not be quite what everyone expects.
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A national championship this year certainly isn’t out of the question, but there’s a long way to go before I get to any expectations for it, given the caliber of the guys still in front of him (i.e. KOT & Carr). If he & Levi were switched in the lineup, I’d already be thinking about it for him at 157, but I’m going to pump the brakes a bit at 165. Amine is a great milestone checkpoint for him. If he dominates Anime, it’s one step closer to a reality.

Even if MM blows through Amine & Caliendo in the regular season and Hamiti in the B1Gs, I’m going to be more conservative about his chances against KOT given their kind of big brother relationship. Mentally, it’s hard to get over the hump against a guy who’s been beating up on you since you were a kid, even if you’ve surpassed him as you’ve matured.

MM is two years younger than KOT - he won a Wisconsin State Title at 138 his So year in HS, the same year (2020) that KOT won the 160 Title for the same HS (high school was coached by Mesenbrink's dad btw). There is no evidence that the two ever wrestled against each other in their HS years or since. No idea what you're talking about with:

"....a guy who’s been beating up on you since you were a kid."
MM is two years younger than KOT - he won a Wisconsin State Title at 138 his So year in HS, the same year (2020) that KOT won the 160 Title for the same HS (high school was coached by Mesenbrink's dad btw). There is no evidence that the two ever wrestled against each other in their HS years or since. No idea what you're talking about with:
Then you have no idea of how the dynamics of high school sports work. LOL.
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