Just a thought... if anyone has a change of plans, I'd be interested in your ticket. They've been max'd for awhile... Thought it is worth a shot..
Just a thought... if anyone has a change of plans, I'd be interested in your ticket. They've been max'd for awhile... Thought it is worth a shot..
What is this?
It's also where my profile pic was taken, as soon as Nico walked in the door to the social.After the final round the Penn State Wrestling Club hosts a social with the team in attendence. A great time! I went at NYC, the team and coaches speak and mingle. I still remember how bummed Bo looked after losing to MM, but was still gracious to all. My son videoed with the Mega family camcorded, at Nico’s mom’s request, his speech and the family joining around him. Fun time.
How do you get tickets? We have a group coming to Pittsburgh next year.
They are sold out this year... but they were originally on the PSWC web site..