Official PSU - Ball State game thread ...

Solid win over a presumably decent team but there are still things to work on. Red zone offense is still lacking. Clifford still has happy feet.
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Dotson has great open field moves. Need to see him on the end around on certain occasions.
Well, for better or worse, Clifford is really not taking any chances. With the empty backfield and Ball State rolling Cliff outside the pocket, he wanted no part in threading the needle to one of his TEs. Instead, he throws it way out if the EZ and into Bellefonte.

I definitely get it. However there will come times this season, against stiffer competition, where Cliff has to make the play. OSU, Auburn, Michigan, etc will make Cliff beat them, not the running game. Can't blame them.

Probably good that he's not taking any chances at this point...don't want Cliff to go into a funk before Auburn.
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This targeting rule needs to be more subjective and not just 'what's in writing.' Such horse crap.
Rules expert, “yes runner lowered his head, yes defensive player was in a defensive position”….replay official, targeting.
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Rules expert, “yes runner lowered his head, yes defensive player was in a defensive position”….replay official, targeting.
From what I've seen so far the replay officials are hopeless and useless with respect to interpreting the targeting rule.
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Get the feeling next week could be a very low scoring, defensive battle. Our secondary is showing great athleticism and play making ability...not a huge fan of the front 4 and lack of pressure. Offensively, we will need to stretch the field vs Aub and not play in a box like today.
He was going low for the legs and the runner dove. That rule is just crap. Offensive players are leading with their heads like that now looking for the foul.
Exactly, and these replay booth officials are getting bamboozled.