Official PSU - Indiana Game Thread


At first glance I thought you wrote "Indinia" ;)😁;)
Penix is nearly sacked, gets away, but Brandon Smith gets him before he gets to the LOS. Penix is down after the tackle.
Run game is just as bad as the first couple of games. First half was an aberration.
3 of 20 running plays were good. The rest were terrible. This running game sunk so far that people think the first half was good. That just shows how low the bar is.
Trying to anticipate if Indiana's backup QB is about to have a career day or deer on the headlights experience. 2021 PSU defense has me hoping for the latter.
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3 of 20 running plays were good. The rest were terrible. This running game sunk so far that people think the first half was good. That just shows how low the bar is.
11 posts in 20 years…nice contribution.
I think you might be getting covered uncovered concepts confused with what the actual call was…they said it was uncovered but I think it had to do with not having 7 on LOS..think there is confusion all around…review the tape and then report back to settle this…

No, the Ref clearly and unmistakably called Strange as a "Covered TE" (supposedly covered by WR lined up on LOS to his right) and therefore was an "ineligible receiver". BTW, in the formation PSU has a WR to left & right on LOS - 2 WRs + 5 Interior Lineman give you required 7 men on LOS. Strange was lined up as a RB on play (in the Flanker / H-Back position) off the LOS - a RB is ALWAYS eligible and not subject to being "Covered" as they are lined up at least a yard off LOS and in the "Backfield". Almost certain it was a legal formation and a completely horseshit call yet again by the b1g clowns.
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AK is an animal...not sure we have another DE with a sack this yr.