Official PSU - MSU Game Thread

Well I might have spoken too soon. Another sleepy third quarter, scoring by virtue of a gift.

Team will have to wake up and play the fourth - and letting MSU convert long third downs isn’t a good look.
The play calling is once again too predictable and the defense continues to be vulnerable to passes in the middle of the field. Defense starting to look tired again.
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1,2,3,get rid of it. Poor pocket presence

I want the play call to dictate that.

Why we're not playing for ball control and clock management with a big lead is baffling to me.

They can't stop Freiermuth over the middle so instead we throw away downs hoping for a breakdown in MSU's deep coverage.

This is how we let teams back in the game and wear down our defense.
Blatant hold on Windsor again.
Yea, remember the bullshit about how if you have your hands on the defenders back with arms extended "it gets called everytime" (the big play they called back with the cheap call they made on Friermuth) - so much for it being called "everytime" given the far worse hold from behind on Windsor...
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This team has one TD in 9 quarters. We’re ahead by 3 TD’s with one quarter to go. Why am I still nervous?
See a therapist . I enjoy the ESPN gamecast graphic. Right now they put the chance of a PSU victory at 99%. Don't know how they figure that out , but I don't worry about three to leads with 14 minutes left .
fumble on a sack, and either an INT or fumble recovery by Ellis Brooks. Flag on the field, which appears to be for spearing Brooks after he was on the ground