Official PSU - tOSU 2020 Game Thread

James 2014-2015 - "we are not a good football team"
James 2016 - "we are a great football team"
James 2017 - 2019 "we are great team but not elite yet"
James 2020 "hey I usually stay within 14 of OSU. That's pretty good, right?"
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The way the rules have changed, the chance of recovery has been drastically diminished. At least try to pooch it, kick it deep on the ground, or just kick it deep. Now you are just giving up a short field. Not that it makes much of a difference.

Those rule changes on onside kicks are just in the NFL. College still gives the ability to get more than a yard running start behind the kicker.
Who is our next QB?

Niether Clifford or Levis has it

I disagree. Both of those kids could be good. You match your system to the players, not players to system.

Franklin has decided on his system and then just tries to get the best players he can. That's a hit or miss strategy.
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Honest question: is there a QB on the roster who had a shot at developing into the guy?

Unknown, probably not. My boss's son played against Levis in HS. When I told him that he was at PSU, he said "really? That kid has cannon arm but absolutely could throw accurate pass. Great athlete but I don't see it"
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Can’t wait for Franklin’s post-game’ll be a PCPC.....Politically Correct Press Conference.
I just realized that O$U‘s fill in kicker is my former neighbor’s son (we moved a couple of years ago). My daughter used to babysit him all the time. Sort of a timid guy, and never figured him for a football player, but then again he is a kicker.
They better get a kicker or it will bit them in the A** down the line.
We started as a season of hope. Micah leaving, Journey in limbo and Cain out for the season . This team is a average big 10 team at best. Not nearly as deep to play with the top programs in the country.