Official PSU - Wisconsin 2021 Game Thread

Gotta love the ridiculous b1g Officials (including review booth) - no review in duhO$U-Minny game on a beyond obvious Targetting Call. But now they create a Targetting Review because Wisconsin calls TO and asks for it??? (On a play where runner isn't protected an appears 13 hits him mostly with the front of his helmet). Typical b1g bullshit against PSU (and protecting duhO$U).
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Reactions: Shadow99
We would have won the game damn…..don’t like this cocky punk Mertz.would have been great for that to happen to him.
Worse the only reason it was able to be reviewed is whisky called a time out. IMO once a timeout is called no review should be allowed. What happens if a team doesn't have a timeout they they just ignore the targeting?
I see that in every game. Gives the booth extra time and doesn't allow the O to hurry up. Franklin is smart enough to use it.