Wrestling Officially Official 2022 Big Ten Tournament Thread

157: Brady Berge (“BB”) vs G. Model (“GM”)

BB ankle pick and quick finish. 2-0 BB. BB riding. Then cuts second time GM got to his feet. 2-1 BB. BB stuffs GM shot easily. BB shoots from distance. Nothing. MB in deep on a single. BB defends well. Stalemate. BB gets late TD on ankle pick. 4-1 after one. Seen him get a late TD like that several times now; enough times that I was wondering if it would happen.

GM takes bottom. BB rides. Cuts him after GM gets to his feet after about 50 secs. BB shoots from distance. Nothing. BB counter double and another TD. 6-2 now. Good action from BB. GM gets to feet and BB gets the mat return. 6-2 after 2. 1:55 RT.

BB takes bottom. Gets to feet but hard mat return by GM. Happens a 2nd time. GM looks like he’s good on top. OOB with 1:17 to go. BB to his feet and out this time. 8-2 BB. MB shoots and nothing. BB counters a bad BB shot and gets a quick TD. 9-2 BB now. Rides him out and gets a bonus win 10-2 with riding time.
Brady looked damn strong at 157. His time wrestling 165 really helped him IMO. Carrying the weight of heavier opponents on bottom, trying to keep bigger opponents down, Stronger opponents going heavy on his head in ties. He probably feels like he's wrestling on easy mode right now.
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they really need to revisit reaction time this offseason because it's pretty ridiculous that nobody seems to apply it consistently. i have no problem with a rule that says that isn't a takedown. in fact, i don't think it should be. but that is the ONE position where "no reaction time" is supposed to apply. blockhus had established rear standing, bartlett rolled and his head clearly hits the mat with 1 second on the clock. unless the clock they're using is different, that should be a takedown and not a difficult call to make on replay. supporting point hits, immediate two. that's how it's supposed to be. just frustrating to see officials not follow their own rules.

good win for bartlett.
off season he drops weight, wrestles Freestyle, is our 141er
Well we just co-signed a lease and Rivals doesn’t pay me enough to back out of that hahaha

Blame work obligations. "Honey, the B1G just scheduled a tournament on short notice. I have to cover it or I could lose my job. I promise I will make it up to you this week. We can go shopping and take in a chick flick."
  • Haha
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165: C Edsell (“CE”) vs H Lohrey (“HL”)

CE the one “taking territory” early. CE easily stuffs HL shot then gets to a leg on his own shot. Scramble ends in a stalemate. CE takes next shot but easily defended by HL. HL shoots and CE stuffs. Stalemates. Decent action from both wrestlers. HL shoots a double and CE stuffs it. 0-0 after one.

CE chooses bottom. To his feet and out in 11 secs. 1-0 CE. Good snap by CE. CE gets to a leg and gets a quick finish! 3-0 CE! Gets a little out of position and it’s stalemated. They’re checking video as the TD was awarded quickly and it was a scramble quickly after awarded. Long review. No TD. 1-0 still. 0:50 to go in 2nd. Long wait to fix scoreboard. Good action but no one close to scoring. 1-0 CE after two.

HL takes neutral? That IS most definitely Interesting. HL in deep. Stopped for potentially dangerous. They were scrambling, but HL looked to have the upper hand before they stopped it. HL now on on bear hug but CE defends. Another scramble off an HL shot. I missed how HL scored a point but CE gets a quick TD in sudden victory and wins 3-1!!!!

edit: sometimes when I type I miss something. Where did HL score?

edit: sounds like the potentially dangerous stoppage in 3rd was for an illegal head scissors by Edsell and thus HL’s point.
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