How can these not be in while Rage Against the Machine and Radiohead are actually being discussed? And I say this having grown up with the music of the 90s not the 80s.I can think of Several 80's bands that deserve it.
The Smiths
Depeche Mode
Joy Divison/New Order
The Cure
RATM had one great song on their first album. And even that was kind of weird. After that it is really a stretch to say they belong in the HOF. If you're being honest with yourself, you know that a lot of it was basically unlistenable.
Similar for Radiohead. A very high ratio of unlistenable junk to great songs. Although I am kind of shocked Radiohead isn't in already. The music press at the time was constantly declaring them super-geniuses. They could have recorded a cover version of the Mr. Belvedere theme song and Rolling Stone would declare it one of the top 10 songs in history.