PSU - Nebraska 2020 Dual Thread

141: Nick Lee vs. Chad Red

They met in the last HS match for both, in the Indiana State Finals, with Redd winning by 1 point.

Per 1
Lee in on a single, lifts it, and gets the TD, 2-0. He flattens Red, then Red works to his knees. Lee working the right arm with authority. He lets go of the arm, and now has RT over 1 min. Red not doing much on bottom. End. RT @ 1:30 for Lee

Per 2
Lee takes bottom. He works to his feet, and a stall warning on Red as he worked Lee OOB with 1:39 left. Lee hits a stout, and gets the esc, 3-0. Lee in on a single and drives thru it for the TD, 5-0. They are on the edge, so he doesn't have a lot of room with which to work. Again, Red does not have much action from bottom. End. RT @ 1:57 for Lee

Per 3
Red takes bottom. Caution on Red. He works up, taken back down. Lee flattens him. Lee nearly cut him to get a cradle. Stall warning on Red, which is a point, 6-0. RT is locked. Red has nothing from bottom. Lee really has improved his riding. Lee cuts him with 48 sec, 6-1. Lee counters and gets a TD, 8-1. If he rides him out, he'll get a major. Red is flattened. End. With 3:32 in RT, it's a 9-1 Major for Lee

8-3, PSU
Not that everyone hadn't already noticed but Nick looks to have gained a tier since last year's match over Red. Last year's match was closer. Lee has came a long way from the loss to Red at the Indiana State finals. Chad Red is pretty much the same guy as last year. Contrary to what Chertow just said, probably not an NCAA finalist without significant work between now and then.
I've been slow to come around on Nick Lee, but as @bowandarrow would put it, CHOO-CHOOOOO!!

Red showed a lot against a
much-improved Murin last week, but had nothing for Lee. Nick is rolling.
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Not that everyone hadn't already noticed but Nick looks to have gained a tier since last year's match over Red. Last year's match was closer. Lee has came a long way from the loss to Red at the Indiana State finals. Chad Red is pretty much the same guy as last year. Contrary to what Chertow just said, probably not an NCAA finalist without significant work between now and then.
Last year Nick beat Red 5-4, and Red is a 2x AA. Last week Red smoked Murin. As everyone has pointed out, Nick is wrestling really well this season.
Has one move and lost the scramble on both. They kinda know it's coming, Jarod.

He just can't be the guy. Pull Barraclough. Need a transfer in the worst way next year.
149: Jarod Verkleeren vs. Collin Purinton

Per 1
Very with double overlooks after a shot by Purinton, then a stalemate with 2:41. CP with another shot, nothing. Then CP in on the legs, and fights off the whizzer by Verk to get the TD, 0-2. Verk quickly up an out, 1-2. Stalemate with 1:34 left. 1 min left. Not much action. End.

Per 2
CP takes bottom. Caution on CP. CP to his feet, and he's out in 8 sec, 1-3. CP sort of shoots, nothing. Very with the overlooks, and a stalemate with 48 sec. Again, no shooting by either guy. End

Per 3
Very takes bottom. He work up, and he's out in 8 sec, 2-3. RT @ 13 sec for CP, so it's not a factor. Verk semi shoots, nothing, then CP shoots and gets an ankle, and CP takes Verk to his back and gets the pin. smh 5:50 is the time of the pin.

It looked as though Verk tried to roll thru to avoid the TD, and got stuck

9-8, Nebraska
149: Jarod Verkleeren vs. Collin Purinton

Per 1
Very with double overlooks after a shot by Purinton, then a stalemate with 2:41. CP with another shot, nothing. Then CP in on the legs, and fights off the whizzer by Verk to get the TD, 0-2. Verk quickly up an out, 1-2. Stalemate with 1:34 left. 1 min left. Not much action. End.

Per 2
CP takes bottom. Caution on CP. CP to his feet, and he's out in 8 sec, 1-3. CP sort of shoots, nothing. Very with the overlooks, and a stalemate with 48 sec. Again, no shooting by either guy. End

Per 3
Very takes bottom. He work up, and he's out in 8 sec, 2-3. RT @ 13 sec for CP, so it's not a factor. Verk semi shoots, nothing, then CP shoots and gets an ankle, and CP takes Verk to his back and gets the pin. smh 5:50 is the time of the pin.

It looked as though Verk tried to roll thru to avoid the TD, and got stuck

9-8, Nebraska
Eewww Verkleren.- (insert fart noise)