157: Bo Pipher vs. Peyton Robb
Per 1
Robb in on a low double and gets the TD, 0-2. They are on the edge, and OOB with 2:25 left. Piper trying to work up, but Robb is tough on top. Bo having a tough time on bottom. Robb works a tilt, and got 1 swipe, so nothing. Pipher working to come out the back, and he gets the reversal, 2-2. Robb to his feet. End. RT @ 2:13 for Robb
Per 2
Robb takes bottom. Robb works up. Now he turns in on Bo, nearly gets the reversal but Bo is able to avoid it and also maintain control. A roll by Robb and he gets the reversal, 2-4. Bo coming out from behind again, but Robb stops him. Bo working up, but taken back down. Robb working a 2-on-1, then releases it. Bo works up to a 4-point stand. End. RT @ 2:39 for Robb
Per 3
Pipher takes bottom. ?? Caution on Robb. Not much from Bo off the whistle. RT is locked for Robb. Stall warning on Bo. He works to his feet but is taken back down. Up to a 4-point stance, then to his feet, but tripped OOB with 57 sec. Caution on Robb. Bo working up, but Robb is tough on top. Bo with a roll, grabs Robb's ankle, but loses it as they go OOB with 18 sec. Not much from Bo off the whistle. He works to his feet and is out with 5 sec, 3-4. End. 4:37 in RT makes it a 3-5 decision.
12-8, Nebraska