174: Hall vs. Joe Grello
Hall TFed him 2 years ago in the PSU - Rutgers dual
Per 1
Hall with a bit of a throw-bye and gets the TD, 2-0. OOB with 1:39 left. Grello to his feet, and they go OOB with 1:28 left. Grello starts up, tripped back down. OOB with 33.9 sec left. Grello to his feet and out, 2-1. Mark with a low single to a TD, 4-1. End. RT @ 2:06 for Hall
Per 2
Grello defers. Hall takes bottom. He's too his feet, take back down, but spins and gets the reverse as he's going back down, 6-1. Stalemate or OOB with 28.9 sec. Grello to his feet, taken back down, and then OOB with 18.2 sec. Grello to his feet off the restart, tripped down, then OOB with 3.6 sec. Stall warning on Hall as he pushed Grello OOB. End. RT @ 3:06 for Hall, so it's locked
Per 3
Grello takes bottom. He's up quickly, (2 sec) 6-2. Hall with a low single, and Grello scrambles out. 1 min left.Hall in on a single, then a stoppage as Grello's right knee seemed to buckle. Didn't look good. Injury default @ 6:37
23-6, PSU