Never, in the history of viruses, even serious COVId viruses, has there ever, ever, been a virus that resulted in people getting it, maybe showing symptoms, maybe not, maybe getting a bit sick, NOT ending up so sick that they even require hospitalization (as is the case with 99.99% of college aged kids let alone athletes), then 5 years later those same people developed “horrific” long term impacts.It's not strange that there were very few strong reactions to the virus among college football players. These are young, healthy men. The question is whether any program would intentionally cause its roster to be subjected to the virus for the sake of "getting it over with" and proceeding with their season. The risk, however small, that a player would have a serious negative reaction (or pass the virus to a more-susceptible family member) necessitates not going that route.
As for the long-term concerns, I don't know what your question is. No less an authority than the Mayo Clinic has acknowledged the risk.
"The virus can damage the lungs, heart and brain, which increases the risk of long-term health problems."
Long COVID questions and answers
COVID-19 can have lasting symptoms that affect many parts of the body. Learn more about the symptoms and effects of long
If you want to dismiss that risk as inconsequential, that's up to you. I obviously cannot prove or disprove what may or may not happen in the future. My point is simply that universities don't have the same luxury you do. They cannot ignore such risks.
it has simply never happened, and is also illogical. To imply that it should be a concern is preposterous panic porn.