SIAP: Did generations of greatness celebration omit Paterno??

Well that’s how the court cases turned out so I’m not sure why anyone would need to be paid to talk about the truth.

The truth is that Boccabella was not an impartial jurist and the OAG twisted McQueary's words and McQueary did not witness CSA. The only felony conviction that resulted for the Penn State Administrators was against Spanier and it will be overturned on appeal.
I’m asking you what evidence a reasonable person would expect from a decade old crime? There is plenty of evidence showing that the witness, MM, suspected CSA (cooberating testimony and legal billings referencing CSA). You have your head so far up Jerry’s ass that you won’t admit it. Sad.

McQueary suspected CSA 10 years after the incident when he was manipulated by the OAG. OTOH, contemperaneously not so much.
Actually the verdict is not still out. They were returned and Jerry is serving the resulting penalties. Your acceptance or lack thereof of the results don't mean a damn thing.

You keep asking the same stupid questions of people that disagree with your delusion and you keep refusing to accept any form of answer. Those people aren't being responsive because they know you are so closed minded to any response. Why bother, since you will rationalize anything to pursue your agenda.

My agenda is the truth. I believe my university has been wronged. I believe that Joe Paterno has been wronged. I believe that Graham Spanier, Tim Curley, and Gary Schultz have been wronged. I believe that NCIS Special Agent John Snedden is the one authority figure who investigated the scandal who looked at things objectively. I believe that Jerry Sandusky did not received a fair trial. We should hear Judge Foradora's ruling soon. If he looks at the evidence objectively, I believe he will agree.
Actually the verdict is not still out. They were returned and Jerry is serving the resulting penalties. Your acceptance or lack thereof of the results don't mean a damn thing.

You keep asking the same stupid questions of people that disagree with your delusion and you keep refusing to accept any form of answer. Those people aren't being responsive because they know you are so closed minded to any response. Why bother, since you will rationalize anything to pursue your agenda.
It’s not non-responsive.

Anyone who just dismisses the testimony of the victims and the eye witness is not someone who’s opinion I respect. That guy and idiots like yourself want to see physical evidence of a decade old crime. It’s laughable.
V2, the only victim in which a time and a date were known, testified twice under oath and asserted twice under oath that nothing happened n 2001. Absolutely nothing, which seems to be the intellectual capacity of your thoughts. V2 rebutted 100% what your famed ear-witness claims he saw and heard.

If you are so gung ho on witness testimony, then you need to open your eyes, open your ears and listen to what those who were there testified to what happened.
I believe Mike. His story agrees with Paterno’s. The court believes him as well.
Paterno didn't see or hear sh**. None of what Paterno said matters one iota because everything he learned was from McQ himself. And, as we have heard, those people who heard the story from McQ and who testified in court tell a far different story than what Mikey does.

As for your other post, Paterno did do something positive and immediate. He told Curley and Schultz that they needed to talk to McQ. Then Paterno admitted he bowed out because he had no information to offer and no experience in this type matter. He fulfilled his legal obligation with his actions. He fulfilled his moral obligations with his actions. And, apparently, he has ruined your life too.
This is a perfect example in a single post of how poorly constructed your arguments are and why nobody except a couple of freaks respect you around here. You go from “heard of SUSPECTED child sexual abuse” to “couldn’t even bother to ask why the PEDO was a free man for 10 years”.

The “right thing” the football coach did was report the witness’s report to his boss, as the protocol called for, so that people who’s job it was to take it from there could do so. They made mistakes and botched it. At the very least they should have done a better job of documenting what they did and why. Better yet if they had reported it to an agency who likely would have botched it again anyway. They did report it to the head of the the massive tsm and his response was to wear swim trunks.

I’ve haven’t and am not aware of anyone else who has referred to Paterno as a hero in this particular saga. Please link where someone did. You can’t. There were no heroes here.
Nope, only failures.
The truth is that Boccabella was not an impartial jurist and the OAG twisted McQueary's words and McQueary did not witness CSA. The only felony conviction that resulted for the Penn State Administrators was against Spanier and it will be overturned on appeal.
Hey come on. PSU and JVP were the reasons boys were being sexually abused. The Commonwealth Agencies that were kept in the dark by the PSU 3 are now protecting children and have virtually wiped CSA from Pa. LOL
He isn't being paid to be smart. He's being paid to keep us from talking about the real scandal.
It doesn't take much smart to be light-years ahead of you and the rest of the joebots. You are as predictable as the sun and moon, any "Honor Joe" thread gets you all frothing at the mouth and chasing your tails. Like shooting fish in a barrel.
It doesn't take much smart to be light-years ahead of you and the rest of the joebots. You are as predictable as the sun and moon, any "Honor Joe" thread gets you all frothing at the mouth and chasing your tails. Like shooting fish in a barrel.
actually its the OGBOT anus lickers that can't resist an opportunity to prove their loyalty.
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actually its the OGBOT anus lickers that can't resist an opportunity to prove their loyalty.
Just curious where you think I have supported the OGBOT? Saying that Joe failed automatically makes me a supporter of the group which I have said handled the scandal horribly?

You all are an odd bunch.
It doesn't take much smart to be light-years ahead of you and the rest of the joebots. You are as predictable as the sun and moon, any "Honor Joe" thread gets you all frothing at the mouth and chasing your tails. Like shooting fish in a barrel.

The irony of this post is beyond mind boggling. Do you even think before you hit Post Reply?

Here, I’ll modify one word to fix it for you...

It doesn't take much smart to be light-years ahead of you and the rest of the joehaters. You are as predictable as the sun and moon, any "Honor Joe" thread gets you all frothing at the mouth and chasing your tails. Like shooting fish in a barrel.

See how that works dummy? Getmyjive is exhibit A, but there are a very small handful of others who fit the bill. Chasing their tail is a great visual for what they cause these threads to turn into. It’s Pavlovian.

Even more mind boggling is that their tail chasing causes these threads, which would die pretty quickly, to go on for pages and days....all under the premise of wanting people to “move on”. You can’t make this shit up.

Doesn’t take much smart indeed....
I don’t give a shit about what Sneeden’s poorly formed opinion is. He does not accept the overwhelming testimony of the victims as evidence so I have no respect for his view.

You mean evidence like when AM went on the record saying that nothing happened?

So if your don’t agree, why do you assume what I meant? You are making zero sense, which is typical of a crazy person.

“Your” so in over your head, all you do is project your behaviors on others.

Well that’s how the court cases turned out so I’m not sure why anyone would need to be paid to talk about the truth.

You need to revisit the results of the court cases. Because what you think happened, didn’t happen. Two people plead guilty to a misdemeanor they didn't commit, out of fear of tainted jury pool and a promise of no jail time. One was convicted of a misdemeanor on a Friday night which the jury foreman called it a mistake. That will soon be overturned.
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Just curious where you think I have supported the OGBOT? Saying that Joe failed automatically makes me a supporter of the group which I have said handled the scandal horribly?

You all are an odd bunch.
Some people cannot wrap their head around people saying that mistakes were made pretty much everywhere The state, MM, Doctor D, MM's Dad, OG BoT, those at PSU who knew of a prior investigation and didn't report the second one to anyone but TSM who also failed miserably. It's odd how some think if you say mistakes were made across the board you somehow work for Corbett or some other's truly a chickenSh!t cop out. I don't agree with you that is was necessarily criminal or some huge failure. I think human nature and past working relationships clouded some judgement....but that is being very optimistic based on the history of guys at PSU. Either way it's apparent that the line in the sand is you're a witch or not....and that is really the mentality here. You can see it by how defensive some are and how others simply put their fingers in their ears as they cannot handle hearing an opposing opinion.
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Some people cannot wrap their head around people saying that mistakes were made pretty much everywhere The state, MM, Doctor D, MM's Dad, OG BoT, those at PSU who knew of a prior investigation and didn't report the second one to anyone but TSM who also failed miserably. It's odd how some think if you say mistakes were made across the board you somehow work for Corbett or some other's truly a chickenSh!t cop out. I don't agree with you that is was necessarily criminal or some huge failure. I think human nature and past working relationships clouded some judgement....but that is being very optimistic based on the history of guys at PSU. Either way it's apparent that the line in the sand is your a witch or not....and that is really the mentality here.
Just to be clear, I don’t believe that Paterno’s failure was criminal. But yeah, the fact that these weirdos think that everyone holding the anti-Joe view are paid mouthpieces just shows how far down the rabbit hole they have gone. It is inconceivable to them for someone to just be disgusted by the failure of those in charge to act and the damage it caused for victims and the University.
Just to be clear, I don’t believe that Paterno’s failure was criminal. But yeah, the fact that these weirdos think that everyone holding the anti-Joe view are paid mouthpieces just shows how far down the rabbit hole they have gone. It is inconceivable to them for someone to just be disgusted by the failure of those in charge to act and the damage it caused for victims and the University.

If JVP followed policy/guidelines/law, and JVP did nothing criminal, by definition he could not fail. #LOGIC

If you think that his actions were deficient, then you're issue isn't with JVP, but rather the policies, guidelines, and laws. So basically you think that children are at risk because of deficient policies, guidelines, and laws. What have you done to fix this perceived problem? Or are you just doing nothing and hoping someone else will fix it?
If JVP followed policy/guidelines/law, and JVP did nothing criminal, by definition he could not fail. #LOGIC

If you think that his actions were deficient, then you're issue isn't with JVP, but rather the policies, guidelines, and laws. So basically you think that children are at risk because of deficient policies, guidelines, and laws. What have you done to fix this perceived problem? Or are you just doing nothing and hoping someone else will fix it?
Fail...nope. Break the law nope. Made a mistake...certainly. He knew at the very least Jerry had one prior investigation and was anxious to hear back the first time around...second time around he trusted those above him and they also made mistakes. #REALITY
Fail...nope. Break the law nope. Made a mistake...certainly. He knew at the very least Jerry had one prior investigation and was anxious to hear back the first time around...second time around he trusted those above him and they also made mistakes. #REALITY

Reporting the witness’s report to his boss as the protocol called for and trusting others to to their job was not a mistake at all in real time. It is EXACTLY what he should have done. “With the benefit of hindsight” (a luxury we rarely get) it was a mistake and Joe basically said so. Long way between that and “villainy” and “bad guy” which are direct quotes from trolls in this thread that people take issue with.

You make a big deal out of the first incident but what was he told at the beginning and conclusion of that incident? If you know definitively please link it as I have followed the evidence pretty closely and have not seen anything conclusive. The first incident cuts both ways.
Fail...nope. Break the law nope. Made a mistake...certainly. He knew at the very least Jerry had one prior investigation and was anxious to hear back the first time around...second time around he trusted those above him and they also made mistakes. #REALITY
The Paterno haters aren't calling it mistakes. They are saying he willfully ignored the problem.
Reporting the witness’s report to his boss as the protocol called for and trusting others to to their job was not a mistake at all in real time. It is EXACTLY what he should have done. “With the benefit of hindsight” (a luxury we rarely get) it was a mistake and Joe basically said so. Long way between that and “villainy” and “bad guy” which are direct quotes from trolls in this thread that people take issue with.

You make a big deal out of the first incident but what was he told at the beginning and conclusion of that incident? If you know definitively please link it as I have followed the evidence pretty closely and have not seen anything conclusive. The first incident cuts both ways.
We don't know what he was told, nor do we know what they were all told, but certainly someone does. Whether it was an investigator or a lawyer, someone filled them in of something. Pointing out they knew of a prior investigation isn't making a big deal, it's what happened. For a year or two we heard coach wasn't Joe and he didn't know about anything in 98, but it turns out according to Tim...he did. I'm not saying they knew Jerry was a monster, but a second time around tends to raise an eyebrow most of the time. That is why some question why they didn't report it and even more so after they were advised to. It doesn't mean other people didn't screw up my post said...A TON of people made mistakes, but dare say CSS made one or even Joe and a few here lose their sh!t over it and just go on the attack.
The Paterno haters aren't calling it mistakes. They are saying he willfully ignored the problem.
Outside of PSU...sure they are, but the pile on mentality exists everywhere unfortunately. I don't see very many threads STARTED on this site by PSU fans or alums trashing Joe. I do see other posts about him that turn into the SSDD with the same recycled arguments though.
Outside of PSU...sure they are, but the pile on mentality exists everywhere unfortunately. I don't see very many threads STARTED on this site by PSU fans or alums trashing Joe. I do see other posts about him that turn into the SSDD with the same recycled arguments though.
I'm talking about posters on this board not the public at large.
We don't know what he was told, nor do we know what they were all told, but certainly someone does. Whether it was an investigator or a lawyer, someone filled them in of something. Pointing out they knew of a prior investigation isn't making a big deal, it's what happened. For a year or two we heard coach wasn't Joe and he didn't know about anything in 98, but it turns out according to Tim...he did. I'm not saying they knew Jerry was a monster, but a second time around tends to raise an eyebrow most of the time. That is why some question why they didn't report it and even more so after they were advised to. It doesn't mean other people didn't screw up my post said...A TON of people made mistakes, but dare say CSS made one or even Joe and a few here lose their sh!t over it and just go on the attack.

OK mistakes were made. I’ve said so myself in this very thread. That’s not an unreasonable position, but why do you rarely if ever take issue with the other side....the posts that say Joe’s actions were villainous, he didn’t give a shit about child sexual abuse and he’s a bad guy? You only seem to get riled by the “joebots”. Just curious.
Just to be clear, I don’t believe that Paterno’s failure was criminal. But yeah, the fact that these weirdos think that everyone holding the anti-Joe view are paid mouthpieces just shows how far down the rabbit hole they have gone. It is inconceivable to them for someone to just be disgusted by the failure of those in charge to act and the damage it caused for victims and the University.

Even Corbett said it was a mistake to fire Joe. Although, I think he only said that because he knows that had Joe's name not been dragged through the mud, most everyone would have given up the fight years ago.

Act on what? Nobody,....not anyone Mike told....not anyone Curley told.....not anyone Jack Raykovitz told....not even the so called victim, thought a boy had been abused.

Why did the presentment blatantly lie about what Mike reported?

The Sandusky prosecution was designed around the premise that this was a PSU problem, when every single victim came into Sandusky's sphere of influence via TSM.

How can the BOT justify spending $250 million because the PSU administrators were fooled by a serial pedophile? That's the worst you can say about them, and that assumes Sandusky is guilty of everything of which he's been convicted. And I believe that is highly debatable.
Just to be clear, I don’t believe that Paterno’s failure was criminal. But yeah, the fact that these weirdos think that everyone holding the anti-Joe view are paid mouthpieces just shows how far down the rabbit hole they have gone. It is inconceivable to them for someone to just be disgusted by the failure of those in charge to act and the damage it caused for victims and the University.

You act like the media narrative is that Joe didn't do anything criminal but he still didn't do enough. Wrong! The media narrative is that Joe and others knowingly enabled a pedophile in order to protect football. Big difference! Unfortunately that's what today's media does... they put a sensationalized spin on the news in order to maximize viewership.

You don't see a lot of stories talking about the failure of CPS/DPW. You don't see any media outrage about JM or Dranov not calling police. Why do you think that is? Could it possibly be that viewers wouldn't be interested in those stories?
Even Corbett said it was a mistake to fire Joe. Although, I think he only said that because he knows that had Joe's name not been dragged through the mud, most everyone would have given up the fight years ago.

Act on what? Nobody,....not anyone Mike told....not anyone Curley told.....not anyone Jack Raykovitz told....not even the so called victim, thought a boy had been abused.

Why did the presentment blatantly lie about what Mike reported?

The Sandusky prosecution was designed around the premise that this was a PSU problem, when every single victim came into Sandusky's sphere of influence via TSM.

How can the BOT justify spending $250 million because the PSU administrators were fooled by a serial pedophile? That's the worst you can say about them, and that assumes Sandusky is guilty of everything of which he's been convicted. And I believe that is highly debatable.

hmmmm why would Corbett say it was a mistake to fire Joe??

Pennsylvania gubernatorial election, 2014
Party Candidate Votes %
Tom Wolf/Michael J. Stack III 1,920,355 54.93%
Republican Tom Corbett/Jim Cawley (Incumbent) 1,575,511 45.07%
The Paterno haters aren't calling it mistakes. They are saying he willfully ignored the problem.
He washed his hands of the problem and ignored the results. Then when it all came crashing down he called it one of the great sorrows of his life. If he cared more, it didn’t have to end like it did.
Reporting the witness’s report to his boss as the protocol called for and trusting others to to their job was not a mistake at all in real time. It is EXACTLY what he should have done. “With the benefit of hindsight” (a luxury we rarely get) it was a mistake and Joe basically said so. Long way between that and “villainy” and “bad guy” which are direct quotes from trolls in this thread that people take issue with.

You make a big deal out of the first incident but what was he told at the beginning and conclusion of that incident? If you know definitively please link it as I have followed the evidence pretty closely and have not seen anything conclusive. The first incident cuts both ways.

I don't know who you are replying to, but you nailed it!

If a big deal is to be made about the first incident, it's that JS was cleared by the experts, and it was a "false alarm". It's only human nature for those involved to think that 2001 was another false alarm. That's assuming that Joe even knew any details about 1998. He could have very likely only known there was an investigation into an issue that turned out to be nothing.
He washed his hands of the problem and ignored the results. Then when it all came crashing down he called it one of the great sorrows of his life. If he cared more, it didn’t have to end like it did.

So what have you done to fix what you believe are deficient policies, guidelines and laws? Not just in PA, but this perceived problem must exist in every state. EVERYONE has it wrong but GMJ11... what are the odds? Are you just washing your hands of the problem?
You act like the media narrative is that Joe didn't do anything criminal but he still didn't do enough. Wrong! The media narrative is that Joe and others knowingly enabled a pedophile in order to protect football. Big difference! Unfortunately that's what today's media does... they put a sensationalized spin on the news in order to maximize viewership.

You don't see a lot of stories talking about the failure of CPS/DPW. You don't see any media outrage about JM or Dranov not calling police. Why do you think that is? Could it possibly be that viewers wouldn't be interested in those stories?
The media has always questioned Joe’s morality, not the criminality of his actions. Where have you been the last 6 years??
The media has always questioned Joe’s morality, not the criminality of his actions. Where have you been the last 6 years??

Can't you read? They didn't just question his morality, they called him immoral for knowingly covering up for a pedophile. They did this for one reason... because it was a sensational story that would attract viewers.

Where were their stories about MM's failure to leave a boy who was being anally raped (according to the media) alone with JS? Where were the stories questioning JM & Dranov's morality? Could it be that they didn't think those stories would sell?
He washed his hands of the problem and ignored the results. Then when it all came crashing down he called it one of the great sorrows of his life. If he cared more, it didn’t have to end like it did.

That's totally dishonest.
  • Joe reported the incident per university policy and trusted others that they would handle it appropriately. What if he had reported to police and the police came up empty like 1998? Would that have been "washing his hands" of the problem? Did MM "wash his hands" of the problem by telling C&S but not calling police? Did JM & Dranov "wash their hands" of te problem by not calling police?
  • What results did Joe ignore? C&S supposedly investigated and acted as they thought appropriate. What was there to ignore?
  • Joe called the fact that kids were abused one of the great sorrows of his life. He wasn't talking about his failure to act.
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