Souther Scuffle Day 2 Official Thread

yes - the WRSC stream works... the PSU app and link off of GoPSUSports was messed up. They archived this mornings session and didnt give a new link after Byers took a break until noon. A mistake they make alot. Frustrating.
Looking forward to the RBY match...let's see where he's at in his development.
133 Semis: RBY vs. Austin Gomez (IA St.)

Per 1
RBY in on a low double and gets the TD, 2-0. He was FAST on that move. RBY rides him for 30+ sec, before Gomez gets the esc, 2-1. RBY in on a single, reaches across, and gets him to his back, 2+4 before Gomez rolls through. OOB. 8-1. Gomez gets the esc after the restart, 8-2. End. RT @ 59 sec

Per 2
RBY defers. Gomez takes bottom. Gomez stands, taken back down, back to his feet again, and taken back down, and then Gomez gets away, 8-3. Gomez working an underhook, and throws RBY, and RBY gets pinned. Ouch 3:47 is the time of the pin.

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Gomez is a big move guy. RBY tried to get out of the tie when he realized it was going to go south and he couldn't get out. He fought to get off his back and almost did but Gomez had it TIGHT.
Oof. That was a rough way to go down, but you could see he was winded as soon as Gomez was going upper body. I'll take Byers' word that RBY was sick coming in and not read too much into RBY's performance. Good learning experience here though.
Yeah RBY tried to bail but a bit too late. Loved his action in the first getting a cpl nice take downs. When wrestling an upper body guy like Gomez and with a nice lead he’ll learn to stay out of those tie ups better. True freshman learning experience.
RBY was wrestling fantastic. He had two TDs and took Gomez to his back and almost stuck him. He had over a minute of RT as well and was up 8-3. He just got caught in a tie with Gomez that he couldn't get out of before it was too late. RBY will be fine and I think he learns from this that he has to wrestle from space and low against a lot of 133lb guys because he's not a big 133lber himself.
Frantically trying to get the audio I missed the whole thing. Tough break for the kid. Defiantly a learning experience there.
Struggling to understand the reason we need to wait for the consis to play out before continuing the semis.
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