My avatar is irrelevant. Zain won the best-of-3 two matches to none. That is the official fact.I get it. I do. It's not a good thing for Zain and your avatar is Zain, so I understand you are a fan.
Have we seen something formal from USA Wrestling on the results of the protest committee? One must assume based on Koll's comments, it was formally filed.
I pulled this from the 2019 World Team Trials Qualification & Procedures Men’s Freestyle document on their website.
Protests concerning eligibility of a contestant, adherence to the terms of this document, and other matters of procedure shall be reviewed by a Protest Committee comprised by the following individuals: a. President of USA Wrestling, or his designee, who shall act as chairperson. b. One or more members of the USA Wrestling Board of Directors appointed by the chairperson of the Protest Committee. Sport Committee members of the style being protested are ineligible to serve on the Protest Committee. i. Any member of the Protest Committee shall disqualify him or herself from a protest hearing if they have personal ties to any contestant in the same weight. ii. Any situation not specifically addressed in this document shall be resolved under standard procedures of USA Wrestling.
I point to ii. and if the committee wants to see more since this is such a convoluted situation, so be it. I see nothing that points to the exact process the protest committee has to follow. If someone pulls that, I'll walk back on everything I'm saying.
You keep saying this isn't reasonable and Nickal/Woodley is "by the rules" and "rules on the fly". I just don't see it that way. I see it as such a difficult situation where a minute of wrestling was or was not counted. That's all.
That remains the fact until/unless there is an official ruling otherwise. Not some fans" wishes. Not some other unrelated matches at some other event.
If such a ruling occurs, it must specify how to determine the World Team rep. No matter the ruling on Match 2, Yianni is still not that person because Zain won Match 1.
Since that ruling has no occurred -- we don't even know if or when an appeal will be reviewed -- Zain is still the USA rep. By rule.
I never said Yianni shouldn't be at Dogu -- though I do think it's very curious that USA sent no second wrestlers at any other weight.I think you need to read some more of the chain and my comments with all due respect. We are saying the same thing. I'm advocating for Yianni to be able to wrestle at Dogu because it doesn't matter in the overall process. El Jefe's argument is that it does matter and he should never be there.Which I don't see anything that says it could or would. It's the best thing for USA Wrestling to have him compete there and to keep getting better for the same exact reason I think Bo should have his chance. It's what is best for the whole.
I said that this match was a perception problem -- that the fans and perhaps the media would treat it as another trials despite the rules. If Zain won, it would've "legitimized" his Final X result. If he lost, it would've "delegitimized" Final X. Rules be damned, people would act as if this were the true trials.
This thread proves that assertion.