The Ferrari Family Circus

It is very impressive if looking at the ground while tossing a high, soft jab at something you can't see impresses you. … :)
Uh oh. He’s mastered The Force!

He is just as much PSU as IA 😄 Isn't there anyone around this guy that can explain just how stupid he comes off. It went from comical to sad a while ago. Please someone help him!
That kind of shit can't be helped it's ingrained in him from years of conditioning and lack of discipline lmfao.
Isn't there anyone around this guy that can explain just how stupid he comes off. It went from comical to sad a while ago. Please someone help him!

Apparently concerned friends recently convinced the family to do an intervention but they misunderstood and thought it was an INNER-vention and things quickly turned weird.

It’s unconfirmed whether Uncle Carmine was involved.
  • Haha
Reactions: johnstownsteel
Admittedly, I'm not a big MMA guy.

But is that little display supposed to be impressive?

Hands are slow. Feet barely moved. Can’t generate much power being that stiff, chin tucked too deep, looked like a beginning amateur boxer…