Carter calls his shot — He wants Ferrari at the All-Star Match in Rec Hall

Now that I’ve seen BigFella’s mrSlowPitch video above, I truly don’t get Carter letting click-whores like Sonnen, Pyles, Askren, and diaper boy goad him into this. It only demeans to go slumming in this fool’s gutter.
Want to prove you’re both tough and smart, Star? Don’t be owned by social media. Don’t be played by a narcissistic nobody who makes love to mirrors. And if you’re just tickle-fighting the jerk for more exorbitant cash than NIL’s already providing, shame on us thinking you’d have more respect for your coaches and university.
Save the “it’s just the times, he’s just a kid, just returning trash talk, just being Carter” bull. A 4-time NCAA champ on the verge of singularity (5 titles) doesn’t validate a bottom-feeding creep by elevating the self-stroker’s vaudeville act to a national stage. Keck’s the All-Star opponent for reasons that freakin’ matter. Save the pissing contest with mrDependsRus for post-grad MMA.
Cranky old guy out. Canadian Rockies hikes can’t get here fast enough!
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Now that I’ve seen BigFella’s mrSlowPitch video above, I truly don’t get Carter letting click-whores like Sonnen, Pyles, Askren, and diaper boy goad him into this. It only demeans to go slumming in this fool’s gutter.
Want to prove you’re both tough and smart, Star? Don’t be owned by social media. Don’t be played by a narcissistic nobody who makes love to mirrors. And if you’re just tickle-fighting the jerk for more exorbitant cash than NIL’s already providing, shame on us thinking you’d have more respect for your coaches and university.
Save the “it’s just the times, he’s just a kid, just returning trash talk, just being Carter” bull. A 4-time NCAA champ on the verge of singularity (5 titles) doesn’t validate a bottom-feeding creep by elevating the self-stroker’s vaudeville act to a national stage. Keck’s the All-Star opponent for reasons that freakin’ matter. Save the pissing contest with mrDependsRus for post-grad MMA.
Cranky old guy out. Canadian Rockies hikes can’t get here fast enough!
Can't say I disagree with this. This has gotten pretty dumb and over the top. Lay down with pigs, you'll get dirty.