The Ferrari Family Circus

Don't get me wrong here. I can't even lock out even close to that much weight, but the 90* comment is cringe worthy when he's really going to about 45.
I was at triple bodyweight squats through much of my training life until I got too much damage in my shoulders, but At a lighter weight I could do similar, it just accomplishes nothing.
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Awesome post. Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t the first guy to run a marathon die? Thought I read or heard that somewhere.

It’s insane the amount of punishment the human body can put up with. In most everything it is our minds that hold us back.
Jim Fix was a big name in the running world who died of a heart attack in his 50's while on a run.
To add to this, we have different goals and needs. I'm currently nursing a torn meniscus on my right side and over did my PT aggravating it. I might be able to get back to some squatting, but it's going to be awhile.

Also, are you built to powerlift? not everyone should make heavy lifting their hobby, some are more naturally inclined towards strength sports. It took me a lot of extra work to maintain myself into my late 50s a lifting. And this work started in my middle teenage years.

No, not mesomorphic enough, plus I have a mildly hypoextensive left elbow that kills my bench.

I am finally learning that it isn't necessary or even desirable or possible to go balls out all the time. Impending social security eligibility will do that.
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No, not mesomorphic enough, plus I have a mildly hypoextensive left elbow that kills my bench.

I am finally learning that it isn't necessary or even desirable or possible to go balls out all the time. Impending social security eligibility will do that.
I'm naturally inclined strength wise, but even I got old and it happened starting early 50s then accelerated lol.
And it was only 40km (approx. 25 miles). In fact, the marathon race itself was 40km until the 1908 Olympics when the Queen of England had them lengthen it to 26.2 miles because she wanted it to start at Windsor Castle and finish in front of the Royal box in the Olympic stadium. Supposedly runners curse the Queen at mile 25, but I’ve never heard anyone do so in the six I’ve run.
Wow, never heard that before.


What a win for Iowa here.
how on earth does he have 3 years remaining. He won his title in 2021 and hasn’t competed since. Did he get a Medical, Then his normal RS then Olympic? Because that is a joke
21: COVID Year
22: Counted
23: De Facto Redshirt based on NCAA clock rules and the fact he hadn't used it yet
24: Olympic Redshirt
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how on earth does he have 3 years remaining. He won his title in 2021 and hasn’t competed since. Did he get a Medical, Then his normal RS then Olympic? Because that is a joke
2021 - Covid (didn't count)
2022 - True frosh (wrestled half the year, counted)
2023 - RS
2024 - ORS

I year used, 3 remain. ORS is a huge joke if he really qualifies for one. That needs to be fixed.
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how on earth does he have 3 years remaining. He won his title in 2021 and hasn’t competed since. Did he get a Medical, Then his normal RS then Olympic? Because that is a joke
He wrestled 10 matches his sophomore year before the car accident, but your guess is probably correct. Medical, normal, then olympic RS.
He wrestled 10 matches his sophomore year before the car accident, but your guess is probably correct. Medical, normal, then olympic RS.
His injury happened too late in the season to get a medical but had his car accident happened in December, I think he would have gotten it back (by the letter of the law) and legitimately have 4 more years, which makes the whole thing even wilder.
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2021 - Covid (didn't count)
2022 - True frosh (wrestled half the year, counted)
2023 - RS
2024 - ORS

I year used, 3 remain. ORS is a huge joke if he really qualifies for one. That needs to be fixed.
He does because he won a U17 world medal way back whenever so yes, very flawed. I don't think it'll change though going forward.

Facundo qualified for the same reason but he also you know ... was actually trying to qualify for OTT (and he did, so he would have gotten an ORS even if he didn't previously qualify)
His injury happened too late in the season to get a medical but had his car accident happened in December, I think he would have gotten it back (by the letter of the law) and legitimately have 4 more years, which makes the whole thing even wilder.
Yeah, I was just thinking about that (could he possibly have 4 left).

Forgot about the covid year as well. Wouldn't surprise me if, somehow, he made it through his college career and they petitioned for the medical RS as well.
The Olympic Redshirt is a friggin joke. Whatever the case, I seriously doubt he wrestles another 3 years.