Seems like someone here used to post a weekly list of upsets and surprises that I found helpful to keep up with outcomes I missed (I’m not thinking of the wrestlestat version).
I added “scares” to the title mostly to provide another “s” so the list abbreviates as W.U.S.S. in a nod to a certain recently graduated PA wrestler who was guaranteed to be a 4 time nat’l champ until he wasn’t. But it can also refer to unexpectedly close matches or notable injuries on or off the mat (e.g., Wittlake).
Here are a few WUSS list entries for me this week so far:
- Kyle Snyder losing to Azarpira at the Zagreb Open 🙁
- Lehigh beating Cornell 17-16
- Glazier majoring Allred
- Robb gassing hard against Franek despite starting the season so strong
- Anthony Noto (#1) losing to Diego Sotelo (#24) -- both the loss and the 11-8 margin (I think Spencer Lee may be the only other person to put that many points on Noto, though in the 2-pt takedown era)