Franklin Gomez - Wrestling Changed My Life Interview

Talks about his father passed when he was 6, how his mother is his hero, they trained year round, in Puerto Rico, so they could compete at Fargo. While being recruited he told coaches don’t offer me a partial, because I have no money. While on recruiting visits, he also told them don’t take me to places that have alcohol or drugs, if you do I won’t go here, amazingly he said some coaches ignored that advice.

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Oregon TE granted NINTH year of eligibility!

So just like more cowbell, more Sean!, more Sean! Just to drive you guys nuts!

Did anyone watch SNFootball last night? A PSU Love-In

The announcers couldn't say enough good things about Saquon who came up big in a clutch drive. Overall he had 88 yards rushing and 33 in receptions. For the Commanders, Jahan Dotson had 4 receptions for 105 yards. One of those was a fantastic catch over a defender. He, by far, let both teams in reception yardage.

Collinsworth keeps saying how Dotson did this all the time in college, that he LOVED watching him play college ball, and knew he'd be a great WR in the NFL.

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Boycott Home Depot

Twitter lefties are beside themselves, due to a true, yet misleading, piece of information. The information states that Bernie Marcus, one of the HD co-founders, belongs to an organization that led the charge to stop the illegal student loan forgiveness program.

True to their form, libbies are now boycotting HD, because of Mr. Marcus. The piece of information that gets left out? Mr. Marcus retired from The Home Depot in 2002, twenty years ago. So, they're harming the current employees of HD, to spite a guy that has nothing to do with it any longer.

You can't make this shit up.

A life lesson on discussions with progressives here

When you argue with a hater, you tend to hate. Hate is a weapon with a U-turn barrel. Leave them to enjoy their hatred. Ghost Busters was incredibly accurate with slime and hatred; more hate gets you more slime (evil).

When you argue with an idiot, you do not get smarter.

You can not soar like an eagle if you roost with turkeys. Have a wonderful and blessed day;

Great story: Survivor winner donates entire million dollar prize to veterans

So the guy that won the latest season of Survivor announced he is donating the entire one million dollar prize to Veterens in Need in memory of his father who was a Green Barrett. Hope that warms your heart this Christmas and Hanakuh season.

How are "unemployed" men supporting themselves?

The Tucker Carlson show this evening is claiming that 7 million able-bodied men are choosing not to work. They claim these millions are turning down "opportunity." Apparently, these men spend over 2,000 hours a year -- about 5.5 hours a day -- "on screens."

The screen addiction describes many on this board, but I would hope that anyone nearing this much screen time is a retiree. If not, then I am interested in how you are supporting yourself.

We know that Biden and the Fed infused NJ's brokerage account to the point that he could join this class of former workers, but I don't consider anyone under age 55 as "retired." They are choosing not to work, for whatever reason. I am sure that some are productively using their time -- hobbies or charity -- while unemployed and of working age.

But the question remains: How/who is paying the bills? I am particularly interested in hearing from the libs.

Dershowitz sets the nazi wannabe's straight....

Justice Department should have subpoenaed documents, not raided Trump’s home​

Dershowitz is a legal scholar and Harvard graduate.

The decision by the Justice Department to conduct a full-scale morning raid on former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home does not seem justified, based on what we know as of now. If it is true that the basis of the raid was the former president’s alleged removal of classified material from the White House, that would constitute a double standard of justice.

There were no raids, for example, on the homes of Hillary Clinton or former Clinton administration national security adviser Sandy Berger for comparable allegations of mishandling official records in the recent past. Previous violations of the Presidential Records Act typically have been punished by administrative fines, not criminal prosecution. Perhaps there are legitimate reasons for applying a different standard to Trump’s conduct, but those are not readily obvious at this stage.

The more appropriate action would have been for a grand jury to issue a subpoena for any boxes of material that were seized and for Trump’s private safe that was opened. That would have given Trump’s lawyers the opportunity to challenge the subpoena on various grounds — that some of the material was not classified; that previous classified material was declassified by Trump; that other documents may be covered by various privileges, such as executive or lawyer-client.

Instead, the FBI apparently seized everything in view and will sort the documents and other material without a court deciding which ones are appropriately subject to Justice Department seizure.


For zealous Trump haters, anything done to Trump is justified. For zealous Trump lovers, nothing done to him is ever justified. For the majority of moderate, thoughtful Americans, however, the Justice Department’s raid likely seems — at least at this point in time — to be unjust or needlessly confrontational.
