Title 42 ends. Over 5 million illegals expected in 2023

Looked at the states ranking by population. Alabama has a population of 5,039,000. Or what is expected to enter illegally next year. And Alabama is ranked 24th. Meaning if all the illegals coming IN JUST ONE YEAR were given their own state, it would be as big as the 24th largest state.

And if you add up the total populations of Delaware, Alaska, S Dakota, Wyoming, Vermont, and N Dakota you get approximately five million.

Just amazing facts.

Number 1 program in the nation

How is it possible we have the number one wrestling program in the nation, without any question, and we never get any decent coverage? You can tell me to go to the wrestling board, but it doesn't provide much either!

To have won all these National Championships and not deem the sport worthy of decent coverage is inexcusable! I know this is a football first board, and I agree, but we also should be able venerate our wrestling champions!!!
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Dominion's windmill project

Inflation has driven costs several $billions over budget. Now the greens are demanding that rate payers not be forced to pay for higher cost wind energy.

Ever use an app for a fast food restaurant?

First I tried the McDonald's app. It was a pain and it annoyed me with useless junk, wasting my time. Then I tried the Subway app. Same thing.

I get the impression these apps in general are just meant to try to get you to buy stuff you don't really want while wasting your time in the process. Unless there's a restaurant that you a priori really, really like, I get the impression that it's all useless junk.

What sayeth you?
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Simple Question. Are the Leftists/Commies Here Ok With The FBI Deciding Who Gets To Be POTUS?

I guess since they are commies they probably are ok with the FBI swinging elections. For some of them though if the shoe was on the other foot I have a feeling they'd have a much different reaction to the FBI lying to social media companies and paying them millions during meetings about a "russian disinfo op" re: Hunter Biden's laptop.

This is outrageous and definitely impacted the 2020 election. Instead of hammering the FBI with questions/investigations/defunding, etc. in Congress we have the biased J6 witch hunt going after Trump who terrifies them b/c he's getting to the bottom of all their crimes, cover ups, etc..

2023 is gonna be one hell of a year. Expect deep state false flags inbound. The SCOTUS case re: Brunsons should also be interesting.



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