Manchin downloads on Senile Joe

Wow. Almost unheard of that a Senator would ever use this kind of angry language (link below) to publicly address a President of his own Party...but three days out from a crucial election??!!

I mean, reading between the lines, Manchin all but called Senile Joe, uh, senile while demanding an apology for the President's idiotic vow yesterday to shut down coal plants.

Somebody should tell Senile Joe that there are quite a few coal plants in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan -- all crucial states in Tuesday's election -- and bragging that you're going to shut them down a few days before the vote is pretty strange politics.

On the other hand, someone should also tell Manchin that when you lie down with dogs, you shouldn't be surprised to get up covered in fleas.

No matter how you cut it, Manchin came close to burning his bridges with his statement this morning. The way the election breeze appears to be blowing, Dem-Media will have all it can do to maintain the current 50-50 split in the Senate, but with Manchin this angry and alienated, 50-50 may not be enough to maintain effective control:

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What would an elite coach like Saban do?.....

1. Olu Fashanu. Saban would inform this young man that he is ONLY 19 years old, and the NFL is a man's league full of men 10 years older than him. Saban would encourage Olu to return for another season to gain strength and try for a B1G championship team.

2. Joey Porter Jr. Saban would do WHAT HE ALWAYS DOES when dealing with LATE 1st round picks: Encourage Joey to return to change late 1st/early 2nd round money into top 10 overall money.

3. Parker Washington. Saban would encourage Parker to return and build his draft status from 2nd day to 1st day money, and to claim a B1G championship.

4. Curtis Jacobs. Saban would encourage Curtis to build himself into a 1st day pick and come back for another season.

One of the main reasons Franklin can't get over the hurdle is that while ELITE programs convince the stars to return, his always leave early.

Whats that? Larry Johnson Sr on line 1? Telling Penn State kids to leave while telling his Ohio state kids to stay?

Exactly. Root for your team to win, not go pro just because.

Ask Ellis Brooks or Deion Barnes.

The Dem answer to inflation? Chef Boyardee

Out. Of. Touch.

Rep. Maloney recalls 'eating Chef Boyardee' as kid during inflation talk, says it's 'what families have to do'

