In the Name of Equity, Schools Are Reintroducing Racism

MLK is rolling over in his grave. Racism is the solution for racism. Only in the mind of a libtard.

Written by Jeff Charles.

There was a time in America when racial discrimination and segregation were not only supported by the government but mandated. Restaurants had separate areas for Black and white Americans, people were only allowed to use restrooms and water fountains that were specifically designated by their skin color, and Black and white students were taught in separate school systems. It wasn't until after the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education ruling in 1954 that the nation began integrating its educational institutions and healing the wounds caused by the Jim Crow era, edging closer to a society that does not judge individuals based on their skin color or ethnicity.

But fast forward to 2022 and the pendulum has swung hard in the opposite direction. Today, in the name of "equity," there is a major push to incorporate elements of the thinking that was pervasive in the Jim Crow era into today's K-12 schools, but this time from people who cast themselves as social justice warriors, who are bringing race-conscious schooling back in the name of fighting racism.

Many school districts now promote racial affinity groups, which the Great Schools Partnership defines as "a group of people sharing a common race who gather with the intention of finding connection, support, and inspiration." The ostensible purpose of these groups is to "provide participants support to survive the racial isolation that exists in many schools and institutions."

Affinity groups are typically based on shared interests, but racial affinity groups are specifically designed to provide activities and meetings that include or exclude students based on their skin color.

San Francisco mandates teaching gender identity in elementary school: 'parental involvement not required'

Parents shouldn't object. They should simply accept what the government is telling them to do. If not, then they are bigots because teaching gender identity to second graders is more paramount than teaching math and science....

A "teaching guide for elementary grades" has been distributed by the San Francisco Unified School District instructing educators to "explore integrating LGBTQ themes and weaving information about LGBTQ family and gender diversity into your teaching throughout the school year."

The 18-page document, "LGBTQ Family + Gender Diversity: Teaching Guide for Elementary Grades" contains sections on inclusive language, common terms, classroom practices and when their teachings require parental involvement.

The document claims parental involvement is not required when: "providing definitions to students, teaching about LGBTQ family and gender diversity, celebrating Pride Month, and reading books with LGBTQ characters/plots/subplots or speaking about LGBTQ persons outside the context of health education."

$1.7 trillion Omnibus bill

Includes $1.6 billion to Customs and Border Protection for "border management and $340 million to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Here's the catch. "Funds are prohibited from being used to "acquire, maintain, or extend border security technology and capabilities" They are intended to process and House more immigrants. Yet board libs tell us that the surge of illegals isn't Biden's/Democrats fault.

OT: Pancreatic cancer - Goodbye to my father

Sorry for the downer on a football Saturday, but I'm hoping somebody on here might have some experience with this. My father has been undergoing some testing, and yesterday found out that while the results of his pancreas biopsy were ok, he had CEA levels of 12.4 ng/ml.

A CT scan and endoscopic biopsy had recently determined that he has chronic pancreatitis, which can also cause elevated CEA levels. However, I've read that levels above 10 ng/ml are rarely indicative of benign disease.

He goes back in next week to have another, larger biopsy, and the bloodwork run again. Anyone have any experience with pancreatitis and elevated CEA levels?

For Lafayettebear

Hi LB. Don't waste your time trying to have a cordial conversation with Tom McAndrew. Especially if you post something remotely negative about his Eagles. I've been attacked many timed simply because I'm not an Eagles fan. Also, you date not post anything negative about three city of Philadelphia or you'll get banned. I tried to point out to Tom that crime is on the rise in Philly and he basically shut me down. is what it is.
