Toxic Political Culture

The vile Dems who enthusiastically pushed attacks on Trump supporters seem to have forgotten their own history when they blame the Paul Pelosi attack on toxic culture created by Republicans. Here is peace maker (sarc), Maxine Walters speaking early on in Trump's term:

"“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere." Also, of course, Sarah Huckabee Sanders was kicked out of a restaurant by a tolerant, loving and inclusive restaurant owner.

John Fetterman's Wife Claims Swimming Is 'Racist'

Doubling down on stupid................ She knows her hubby had a terrible night this week...

Pennsylvania Senate candidate Lt. Gov. John Fetterman's (D) wife, Gisele Fetterman, made a wild claim that "swimming in America is very racist."

While speaking on the iGen Politics podcast, Mrs. Fetterman said they planned to use the pool at the Pennsylvania lieutenant governor's mansion, which she claims they did not want, to teach minorities how to swim.

"And while we did not want the mansion, the mansion came with a pool… and the pool I wanted," she said. Adding, "And the dream was to open this pool and make it a public pool. Turn it into the people's pool. And ensure that young people across Pennsylvania could learn how to swim and learn water safety."

Mrs. Fetterman said the pool would be used to "right some of the wrongs" of so-called "racist" swimming.

"You know, historically, swimming in America is very racist… usually, when you look at drowning statistics, it usually affects children of color, because of a lack of access," she said.
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Bidens election night update

Guessing they will announce fetterman won before thanksgiving

Hey Lefties, ICYMI, your free rein of pushing out misinformation/lies...

...(and/or purposefully misleading information) to the unsuspecting sheep on Twitter in order to manipulate them into supporting your bullsh*t ...

Well, it's over.

The days of "I thought it in my head and posted it to Twitter, therefore it must be true" are over.

I can just see/hear the white house "social media" staff muttering "oh shit!" while being shocked off of their chairs when this happened.

I wonder if people understand how big of a deal this is.

Gaslighting/lies/misinformation ... it's the lifeblood of today's Democratic party. If they start coming up against resistance disseminating their gaslighting/lies/misinformation, this is going to be a real problem for them.

h/t @crazyivan77

Where would a 10-2 PSU be ranked at the end of regular season?

Currently 6 undefeated and 7 one loss power 5 teams. They also currently rank 2 loss Utah, K St, and LSU ahead of PSU. That's 16 teams.

For simplicity, I will assume that the undefeated teams remain 1 loss or less and ahead of us or even 2 losses and ahead. There is a chance 1 or 2 teams drop 2 or more remaining games and fall below us but looking at their schedules I'd assume probably 5 or 6 of those schools finish above a 10-2 PSU.

The 1 loss teams are a more interesting analysis.

Bama would have to lose to #15 LSU or #11 Ole Miss. I doubt either happens but if only 1 does then I think Bama probably still remains above a 10-2 PSU due to SEC bias.

Oregon still has #12 Utah and #24 Oregon St. and possibly their championship game opponent. It is quite possible they end up with 2 or 3 losses. I'd say maybe 50% chance they fall behind a 10-2 PSU.

USC still has #10 UCLA and Notre Dame along with a possible conference championship game. Again, I'd give them a 50% probability of dropping below us.

UCLA still has #9 USC and a shot at a conference championship game. Another coin flip for them dropping below us.

Ole Miss has #6 Alabama and two 5-3 SEC teams on their schedule. Probably 25% chance they remain above a 10-2 PSU.

Illinois has #4 Michigan, 3 loss Purdue, and possibly a conference championship game. I'm guessing 10% chance they end above a 10-2 PSU.

I'm guessing 2 or 3 current 1 loss teams would finish ahead of a 10-2 PSU.

The 2 loss teams currently ranked ahead of us are Utah (faces #8 Oregon and possibly conference championship game), K St (faces three 3 loss teams and a conference championship if they get by them), and LSU (faces #6 Alabama and 3 loss Arkansas).

I don’t know that any of the 3 current 2 loss teams finish ahead of a 10-2 PSU. Maybe 1 pulls it off.

So by my math, a 10-2 PSU if we can get there:

5 or 6 current undefeated teams + 2 or 3 current 1 loss teams + maybe 1 current 2 loss teams = anywhere from 7 to 10 teams finishing the regular season ahead of a 10-2 PSU.

So I would project a 10-2 PSU lands anywhere between #8 and #11 in the country at the end of the regular season. That could even lead to a top 5 finish if we win our bowl.

Happy Valley Hospitality

We had the pleasure of hosting some friends and their kids this past weekend as they toured the school. While I don't think we converted them (one to Arkansas, one to Arizona, one undecided), I do believe they had a great time - minus the one Penn State "fan" in WC that was doing his best Randy Quaid in Major League impersonation.

Here's my recap of our weekend.

If a candidate says there is/was voter fraud should they be allowed to be a candidate?

It seems there are a lot of MAGAites claiming past and even current election fraud. They have no proof but insist there is rampant fraud. Those making those accusations should not be allowed to be on a ballot since they think there is so much fraud as to make any result questionable.
Strange twist though - those same fraud claimers don't question election results if and when they win. If the voter fraud is so prevalent those claiming that would have to concede defeat if they win the fraudulent vote. If they can prove fraud sufficient to sway the election they would be permitted to claim victory.

The good Reverend Ruben Diaz: AOC sucks

Lifelong Democrat clergy leader denounces AOC, urges Hispanics to support her opponent: 'We are fed up'

