Biden expands Medicaid to pay for food, rent, a/c, etc

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently approved three section 1115 demonstration initiatives that allow Oregon, Massachusetts and Arizona to use Medicaid funds to pay nonmedical expenses such as housing supports (rent, relocation expenses, furniture), meals, air conditioning and air purifiers “during climate emergencies” and transportation services.
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A few questions regarding closing out this season and next season:

This season:
-Do we see true Freshman Shelton play @ RT?
-Do we see the Freshman big OG from Washington state continue to receive PT this year?
-Will Tengwell & Wallace return this season?
-Will Veilleiux & Allar get PT in the remaining games in prep for next year
---Does Veilleiux enter the portal if he is not given some of the reps thevrest of the season?
-Does Sutherland see reduced playing time based n his lack of impact?

Next season:
-Will staff move Hakeem Beamon to DE? I think he would be an impact player there.
-Any word on the big DT from NY, Caleb Artis - is he making any impression in practice? Need big bodies like him.
-Any word on Zuriah Fishers healing progress and will he play @ his more natural position of LBer?
-With Omari Evams receiving increased PT, will he be the deep threat we need?
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Yep, Biden's brain is mush. Claims his son Beau was killed in Iraq.

Holy shit, how much of this insanity must we endure. The guy is completely bonkers. His brain is gone and the entire left wing media says not a freaking word about it.

Bowl guru Jerry Palm has potential 10-2 Penn State slotted in NY6 (Orange) versus Wake Forest

See link below. He's assuming we lose to Ohio State and win out after that.

In fact, various other "experts" also have a 10-2 Penn State (if that happens) in an NY6 bowl -- either Orange or Cotton.

We're a huge television draw and bowl attraction...probably in the top-5 in those categories in college football.

Meanwhile, nobody expects us to beat the Bucks, so there's not a lot of pressure. Just play a competitive game...and then take care of business for the remainder of the schedule.

Don't get me wrong. I think we have a chance to win on Saturday...even if it's a long shot.

In any case, back in August almost nobody predicted we'd be in this position entering the last weekend in October. And keep in mind this is a young team whose best days are ahead.

Fetterman's Home Newspaper Endorses Oz


"We believe Mr. Oz is the better bet for Pennsylvania," the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s editorial board wrote. "

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette also cited concerns over Fetterman’s life experience.

“Mr. Fetterman’s life experience and maturity are also concerns. He has lived off his family’s money for much of his life. That has allowed him to do some good things, including mentoring disadvantaged young people,” the board wrote. “Still, Mr. Fetterman, despite his hoodies and shorts, has little experience in holding real jobs or facing the problems of working people.”

How Biden Broke the Economy, and How To Fix It

If democrats simply understood that private sector employers are the key to a good economy.

To the surprise of no one outside the White House, a recent ABC News/Washington Post poll showed that 74 percent of Americans believe the economy is in bad shape, up from 58 percent in the spring of 2021. With 84 percent or respondents identifying the economy as a top issue in the upcoming midterm elections and 74 percent saying the same about inflation, why does the Biden administration seem more intent on exacerbating the problems than addressing them? Let’s take a look at how Biden got us into the current economic crisis and what he could do to get us out of it.

While there are many moving pieces in any economy, the root causes of inflation are relatively straightforward. In normal economic times, the markets balance supply and demand minimizing inflation. For example, if the demand for a particular retail good is high, but the supply of that good is low, retailers will increase prices resulting in reduced demand. When the supply of a particular good is greater than the demand, retailers will lower their prices increasing demand.

The goal is to keep supply and demand in balance and our free market economy naturally trends towards that balance (which was the case during the Trump administration). Problems arise when the government intervenes.

During the pandemic, the government intervened big time by approving $4.1 trillion in relief measures under President Donald Trump. This made sense under the circumstances as people were unable to work and needed to pay their bills. But pandemic restrictions made it impossible for them to spend at traditional levels. So, it was obvious to virtually everyone that coming out of the pandemic we were going to experience accelerated demand.

It was also obvious that the supply of goods would be low. Businesses were unable to determine either what to produce or what to order during the pandemic as there was no clear timeline for when it would end.

As Biden took office, vaccines became available, and things started returning to normal. Economists who had served in both Democrat and Republican administrations saw the problem – demand was unnaturally high, and supply was unnaturally low. They warned Biden and his Democrat allies that increased government spending would juice demand driving inflation. The Biden administration ignored the advice, denied the existence and severity of any problem, and spent with the abandon of drunken sailors.

In March of 2021 Biden and the Democrats unilaterally and unnecessarily passed their $1.9 trillion spending bill (ironically called the American Rescue Plan) at a time when most Americas were already flush with cash. That released the inflation Kraken. To make matters worse, it was followed by a $1.1 trillion infrastructure bill, a climate change bill with $437 billion in spending (absurdly called the Inflation Reduction Act) and a $400 billion student loan write off. Not surprisingly, inflation surged and continues at levels not seen in 40 years.
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FBI has enough evidence to indict Hunter Biden

tax and gun-related crimes. It is now 100% clear that the media conspired with the FBI to spike this two years ago. This is clear evidence that the election was fixed. This could get fun...especially if the GOP wins the house. And why not? How many democrats are going to defend Biden as he and his admin circle the drain (as well as the USA under his ridiculous watch)? I wouldn't be surprised to see the dems join in as they know he has no chance of being reelected.

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Say Nice Things Only Thread

This team has a very real shot at 10-11 wins and a NY6 bowl this year A lot of underclassmen are playing and gaining valuable experience. While I’d like to win a national championship every year, I’m happy with the team and it’s future.

Please post positive things in this one positive thread.

(If you cannot stop yourself from being negative in even just one thread, then I thank you for telling me who (else) I should ignore.)

Is a 25th Amendment removal in Joe Biden’s future?

The Hill is bringing it up. Not exactly a rightwing web site... lol....

All those efforts went nowhere. Yes, Trump can be unpredictable, moody, temperamental, undisciplined and occasionally downright crude, according to those who served under him. But I know several people who claim similar characteristics for their bosses.

Biden’s issues are substantively different. We frequently see him, after he has delivered a speech, wander off as if he doesn’t know where he is or where he’s supposed to go. Someone hurries over and takes his arm and points him in the right direction.

At times he’s lucid and in control, but at other times he seems baffled and confused. It’s not unusual to see this behavior in older people, and Biden turns 80 this month.

While many 80-plus seniors are still intellectually vigorous – famed lawyer Alan Dershowitz, for example, is 84 and still an intellectual powerhouse – Biden isn’t your average senior. He’s the president of the United States with two more years in office, and he’s hinting he wants four more years after that. If that is indeed mental decline we’re seeing, it will likely get worse.

So how would a 25th Amendment removal work? The amendment was proposed by Congress in 1965 and ratified by the states in 1967. While Article II, Section I, Clause 6 of the U.S. Constitution says the vice president will assume the “powers and duties” of the presidency in the event of the president’s “inability” to serve, it doesn’t define what inability means. President Eisenhower had a number of health issues, so he and then-Vice President Nixon worked out an arrangement for when Nixon might need to take charge.
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