u17 World Champ Joe Sealey chooses Penn State

DHS met with social media companies to "control content."

Wow. This could be huge.

A note to liberals. Notice how this story names names? None of the typical "unnamed sources, that democrats and the media, but I repeat myself, use.

OT: Is Barry F. around?


Since I believe you ran on a platform promising more fiscal transparency and accountability, in this past Friday’s Daily Collegian (10/28/2022) in Sam Verrelli’s article, “Promises Unfulfilled,” she wrote, “And there are also questions surrounding the Board of Trustees recently spending nearly $318,000 on meals, lodging and other expenses of six in-person meetings. According to Spotlight PA, trustee spending peaked in the 2015-16 fiscal year when the board spent more than $415,000 on meetings.”

That’s a lot of onion dip.

Affirmative Action Argument - Scotus

So, I've been listening to the arguments. I'll have more to say I suspect, and at the end of the day i have a hard time seeing this anything other than 6-3 against the universities, but there was one exchange that was just too hilarious not to post now:

Alito, pressing UNC counsel on just who is 'diverse' for purposes of checking the box on the form:

"One grandparent?
One great grandparent?
One great great grandparent?
Family lore is that we have a native American ancestor?"

Not really a good look to overtly troll Sen. Warren. But I'm still laughing anyway.

Oh - UNC's response? Almost as funny: "We rely on self reporting."

2022-2023 Season, an early look

Fast approaching, I know everyone is excited for the season to begin. The official start date is November 1st, which is less than a week away.
I've taken the time to look at six teams; Penn State, Iowa, Arizona State, Ohio State, Michigan and Missouri. Starting with Missouri and Michigan, I'll have all the reviews done and posted before the start of the season. That said, here's a start, using the starters as those currently listed on wrestlestat;

Missouri Tigers

Known Entities, likely All-Americans:
: Keegan O’Toole – National champ, he’s favored again until someone beats him.
149: Brock Mauller – Has a great wrestling name, 5th and 6th place finisher previously. Injured last season. Top-3 (Diakomihalis, Sasso, Gomez) at this weight class are VERY GOOD, so on paper I’ll say his cap is 4th.
197: Rocky Elam – 4th and 5th place finisher in first two NCAA seasons. In a weight class that is tightly bunched talent-wise at the top, his cap is winning it all. It’s a minefield to get there, with Dean, Warner, Buchanan, Truax and a host of others near the top, but he did beat Bonaccorsi, Schultz and Hoffman in succession before finishing 4th this past season.

Next level:
141: Alan Hart – Round of 12 has been his best finish, but with 141 clearing out a bit, Hart has a better than 50-50 shot at All-American. He’s a veteran that has not quite reached his potential. Last season, seeded #9, had the misfortune of facing a higher seeded wrestler in his first wrestleback match, when his opponent lost in an upset in the championship bracket. Happens. 70% chance to AA.
125: Noah Surtin – Round of 12 last year, he’ll be in the mix to AA with the likes of Cardinale, Mastrogiovanni, Ramos, Heinselman, etc. I’ll give him a 30% chance of an AA finish.
285: Zach Elam – Similar to 125. Elam is a 2x qualifier and a round of 12 finisher. He’s on the cusp of an All-American finish. He did beat both Ghadali and Stencil in succession to reach the round of 12 last season, so he’s right there. Pulling a number out of my hat, using my gut feel, 40% chance of an AA finish.
174: Peyton Mocco – A 3x qualifier with a best finish of round of 12, Mocco is another Tiger wrestler with a possible AA finish. He took Mehki Lewis to a tiebreaker last season before losing, so the talent is there. 25% chance of an AA finish.
157: Jarrett Jacques – 4x qualifier with a round of 12 finish to his credentials, but went 0-2 last season. 10% chance to AA, though he's a senior making his last run. Could happen.

The rest:
184: Sean Harman – Moved up from 174, replacing departing wrestler Jeremiah Kent. Not likely to AA.
133: Connor Brown – Twice injuring in the past, and wrestling for his third school, the once-promising career appears to have been derailed by the injuries. Not likely to AA.

Team: I’d say a 3rd to 7th place finish is possible. A few REALLY good wrestlers, but not enough of them to win in a tournament setting. Will be a solid dual meet team. I could see as many as 7 AA’s if the chips fall right for the Tigers. If that happens, they’ll be at the high end of my projection, but if they are only in the 3-4 AA range, they’ll drop to the 7 range. As far as NCAA points, sans Bonus, I'll predict 70 or so at the absolute high end, and lo-mid 50's at the low end.

Michigan Wolverines:

Known Entities, likely All-Americans:
285: Mason Parris – 5th and 2nd place and a 4x qualifier at NCAA’s suggest a high finish for the Wolverine Senior. I agree, though I don’t see him beating Schultz or Kerkvliet. He does have Cassioppi’s number, going 3-0 against the Hawkeye in his career. Cap at 3rd.
157: Will Lewan – Talented? Yes, but I’d rather watch paint dry. Still, he’ll be in the mix for the top spot at 157. A 5th place finish last season, but Deakin is gone, and right now Quincy Monday and David Carr have departed for 165.
165: Cameron Amine – 4th and 7th place past finishes and Amine will be in the mix at 165. With Carr and Monday moving into 165, and O’Toole and Griffith still there, Amine will be hard-pressed to follow up with another 4th place finish. I have him in the mix from 5th to 7th.
133: Dylan Ragusin – A 2x qualifier, reaching the round of 12 last season, the Michigan sophomore should AA this season. He was seeded 6th last year, losing by 1 point to both the #3 and #7 seeded guys. He’s right there, I’d say in the 4th to 7th range.

Next level:
184: Matt Finesilver – The Duke transfer is a 3x qualifier, with a best finish of round of 16. He’s also moving up from 174 to 184. Not much to use for comparison. So I’ll say 20% chance of an AA finish. Lots of talent remains at 184, though Myles Amine departs.

The rest:
125: Jack Medley – 1x qualifier, in 2020. I remember Medley giving Spencer Lee a tough bout in the past, losing only by decision, but losing by Tech Fall later in the year. Unlikely to AA.
141: Cole Mattin – Nice to see the kid back on the mat after a serious leg injury last season. His last couple bouts last season were at 149, and he’s back to 141, a more natural weight. Not likely to AA.
149: Chance Lamar – A 10-2 redshirt season is solid but misleading, as his resume is weak. Unlikely to AA, though I can see the freshman as qualifying and reaching the round of 16.
174: Max Maylor – A starter in 2020, has a win % less than 50%. Not likely to AA.
197: Bobby Striggow – Has a less than 50% win record in career. Not likely to AA.

Team: Michigan has a better tournament team than dual meet team. Their four high-end guys are really good, but the quantity of very good wrestlers just isn’t there. Those top guys could carry the Wolverines to a top-8 finish, but I don’t see them higher than 5th. With the team noted above, the Wolverines max out, without bonus, in the middle 60's, with a bottom in the high 40's.

FB Recruiting NEW 2023 running back offer

Penn State has offered 2023 running back Kedrick Reescano out of Texas, he recently decommitted from Michigan State last week and Penn State is the first program to offer the four-star since his decommitment. Now other schools making a push for him include Ole Miss, Oklahoma State and Texas A&M, so there will be no shortage of suitors here.

We will reach out in the AM, but could be something to monitor as the staff clearly wants two backs in this class with Ford gone, Lee m.i.a. and Montgomery probably needing some time to recover from his injury earlier this year.

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An Energy Education for Democrats.

"Mr. Biden and fellow Democrats simply refuse to understand the economic consequences of their assault on American fossil fuels. They have come to believe that climate is a crisis and that banishing oil and gas is urgent. But that means higher prices, which they now blame on the very companies they want to go out of business. Economic logic won’t persuade them, but maybe a rout at the ballot box will."

Biden says, "Do I look like a socialist? Look at my career, my whole career. I’m not a socialist.” (link)

Fair enough. Then let us look at his record on race..

It’s a mystery, though, why Biden keeps demanding everyone to look at his “record” on race, which is terrible.

As a freshman, Senator Biden, by his own account, formed friendly, sometimes obsequious, relationships with segregationists within the Democratic Party. It was Biden who sought out J. William Fulbright and Jim Eastland, who in turn assigned him seats on the powerful judicial and foreign-relations committees. The Delaware freshman, who had lucked into a post-Watergate seat, had absolutely no relevant experience for the latter and little for the former. Yet Biden benefited in ways that other younger Democrats, less inclined to ally themselves with racists, did not.

Biden is on record praising George Wallace on numerous occasions. Biden is on the record flattering Strom Thurmond — his “closest friend” — on numerous occasions, as well, and in ways that would have ended the career of any Republican. Just ask Trent Lott.

Biden might have later claimed to have “marched in the civil-rights movement” (he didn’t) and to have represented Black Panthers (he almost surely didn’t), but in reality he was one of the leading voices in the Democratic Party opposing busing reforms. Now, we can debate the usefulness of busing, but there is no debate over whether Biden said that without “orderly integration” his children would be growing up “in a racial jungle.”

Biden also led a decades-long legislative effort to pass tough-on-crime laws that culminated in his co-writing the 1994 crime bill. Critics, mostly contemporary Democrats, argue that the law helped create a mass-incarceration regime that disproportionately affects African Americans. We can debate the effectiveness of the policy, but Biden can’t claim he didn’t brag that the bill does “everything but hang people for jaywalking.” The future vice president was calling it the “Biden Crime Law” on his 2008 presidential campaign website.

A few points if I may...

1. Biden's record is his weakness. It's his weakness on any issue because the dude is an anachronism. He's out-of-step with the times.
2. Given his racist record I cannot believe Sen. Clyburn endorsed Biden.
3. If not for Clyburn's endorsement we'd be looking at a socialist (Bernie Sanders) vs. Trump.
4. Biden selected as running mate the most radical progressive in the Senate (Harris).
5. Biden signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Sanders, adopting a socialist agenda...

a. Expanding Medicare to age 60
b. Eliminating private prisons
c. Ending cash bail
d. Eliminate mandatory minimum sentences
e. Moving all electric power off fossil fuels by 2035; achieving carbon-neutrality in all new buildings by 2030; and installing 500 million solar panels in the next five years.
f. A comprehensive agenda for communities of color with ambition that matches the scale of the challenge and with recognition that race-neutral policies are not a sufficient response to race-based disparities
g. Schools as community centers that provide a broad array of social services, such as health care and meals
h. Tripling federal aid for low-income schools
i. Public universities should be free for families earning under $125,000 per year, and that community colleges should be free for all
j. Maintain protections for about 700,000 young immigrants known as Dreamers from deportation
k. End a program that forced more than 60,000 migrants to wait in Mexico while their asylum cases wound through immigration courts
l. Increase the number of refugees who can be allowed into the United States to 125,000 per year, from Trump’s level of 18,000, and raise that cap over time
m. Ending the national emergency declaration that Trump has used to siphon billions of dollars in Pentagon funding for a wall along the southwestern border
n. Increasing oversight of immigration enforcement and border agencies with the creation of an ombudsman and a panel

Sounds rather innocuous, yes?
j. - m. is precisely why Trump won in 2016!
n. amounts to a civilian police oversight panel, which many cities now have.
Seniors should be scared shitless of a. because it will dilute their quality of care.
e. is essentially New Green Deal because of unrealistic timelines and lack of technology to achieve it.
We see how well c. is working on NYC!
And finally f. is throwing good money after bad.

Summation- if Biden's policy hasn't lurched left towards socialism then your momma is a werewolf.

Thank you.
