Coaches Poll 11/13

As I said yesterday--we'd jump Ole Miss and Oregon
And Minnesota wouldn't be ranked lol

Coaches Poll top 25​

1. Georgia (61)
2. Ohio State (1)
3. Michigan (1)
4. TCU
5. Tennessee
6. USC
7. LSU
8. Alabama
9. Clemson
10. Utah
11. North Carolina
12. Penn State
13. Oregon
14. Ole Miss
15. Washington
16. UCLA
17. Kansas State
18. UCF
19. Notre Dame
20. Florida State
21. Cincinnati
22. Tulane
23. Coastal Carolina
24. Oklahoma State
25. NC State
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Saw one crazy play with crazy announcers yesterday

During a break in the action flipped over to the ‘bama-ole Miss game. Guy catches pass and turns up the sidelines. As a tackler approaches the ball carrier decides to leap over him. Tackler realizes that so he rises up and drives his helmet hard into the runner. Color analyst guy yells “Wow, he took a shot in the groin!” As he is saying that the runner rotates upside down and gets hit hard in the back by another defender, still high in the air. He starts coming down head first but somehow rotated enough to land on the back of his neck and shoulder pads. The runner then hops right up like nothing happened inspiring the color analyst to exclaim ‘He must have a steel plate down there!”

So the the play by play announcer chimes in saying he once took a helmet the the groin that had him talking soprano the rest of the night. Went on to say he ended up with a ruptured bladder that ended his career and he was in a broadcast booth the next year.

Was a hard hitting, scary looking play with some TMI from the announcers!

Think Joe Biden is bad? Check out the current line of succession

Before you heed those calls to remove Dementia Joe Biden via either impeachment or the 25th amendment, remember the old saying: Be careful what you wish for.

As another incompetent Democrat by the name of M. Stanley Dukakis used to say, “The fish rots from the head.”

Check out the current chart of presidential succession and you will realize just how rudderless the ship of state is.

How hopeless is the federal government? Marty Walsh, the bust out former mayor of Boston who is now Secretary of Labor, is number 11 in the line of succession to the presidency.

Does that frighten you? Because it gets worse, much worse.

Joe himself might be concerned… if only he could just remember any of his appointees’ names.

Presidents used to seek out at least a few “captains of industry” for their cabinets. Biden doesn’t even have any buck privates of industry.

Take the vice president, Kamala Harris. Please. If you don’t know her background, just google her name and “Willie Brown.” Then tell me about her impeccable credentials.

Next in line to the presidency is Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She’s 80 years old and likes to say she was “set up” every time she’s caught not wearing a mask, which is about once a month.

Comes from quite the family. Google again provides helpful links. Type in Pelosi’s name and then “father” and “brother,” before adding “Mafia,” “FBI” and “rape.”

That’ll work, unless Big Tech has scrubbed yet more pages on behalf of its Democrat co-conspirators.

Next on the list of succession comes Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy, the president pro tempore of the Senate. That means he’s the oldest rat in the barn. He’s 81 years old and his next real job will be his first.

If you’ve ever watched “Leaky” Leahy at a Senate hearing on C-SPAN, you know that early in the morning he sounds a lot like Ted Kennedy used to sound late in the evening.

Next to become president would be the secretary of state, Taliban Tony Blinken. He prepped at the Dalton School, where the late Democrat pedophile Jeffrey Epstein used to teach, even though he lacked a college degree. The former headmaster of Dalton was sued by a former student who claims he raped her when she was 14.

Do you begin to detect a pattern here?

After Harvard and law school, Taliban Tony practiced law… in Paris. And he raised big bucks for the aforementioned Dukakis. Of course he did!

Blinken’s job now is to jet around the world surrendering to Third World savages and getting pushed around, like back when he was in middle school and his classmates gave him wedgies, stole his lunch money and stuffed him into his locker.

Taliban Tony is the prototypical modern Beltway beta male.

Next in line is the treasury secretary, Janet Yellen. Age 75. She’s from Brooklyn, and now has tenure at Berkeley. Famous quote from 2018: “If I had a magic wand, I would raise taxes and cut retirement spending.”

How much more do you need to know?

Lloyd Austin, the secretary of defense, comes next. Age 68. Biden can’t remember his name (“the general,” he calls him) or where he works (Biden refers to the Pentagon as “the outfit”).

As CENTCOM commander Austin presided over Obama’s disastrous Iraq pullout, and now he’s reprising his calamitous stewardship in the Afghanistan catastrophe.

But he’s very, very concerned about white supremacy in the outfit. Made millions as a Raytheon lobbyist. So frightened of the virus that he wears a windshield from a Land Rover over his face.

Next in line is Merrick Garland, or as they call him on MSNBC, “Garland Merrick.” Age 71.

Obama wanted that Harvard puke on the Supreme Court because he could be Stephen Breyer’s little brother, right down to the trust fund. Garland is “partially colorblind” – unlike all his subordinates in Main Justice, who are obsessed with nothing but color.

Come on down Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland. She’s Native American, and her official bio describes her as a “single mother” who “breaks barriers.” It could have been worse. It could have been the fake Indian, Elizabeth Warren.

The secretary of agriculture is Tom Vilsack – a 70-year-old married white male heterosexual from flyover country. Only one possible way to explain Vilsack – affirmative action, Democrat style. He’s a token.

Next is Gina Raimondo, secretary of commerce. Another failed New England hack, busted repeatedly for not wearing the masks she so imperiously decreed for her subjects in Rhode Island.

Most recently appeared maskless at Speaker Pelosi’s $29,000-a-head time for her fellow mask-mandate-defying Democrat billionaires in Napa Valley.

Followed by Marty Walsh, the secretary of labor (which is never to be confused with work).

Then the HHS secretary, Xavier Becerra, a 63-year-old career California layabout who brags on his official bio that he is the “son of working class parents,” who were probably the last people he’s ever known who worked for a living.

Next in line is Marcia Fudge, secretary of HUD. Age 68. She’s the Congressional Black Caucus’s legacy.

Followed by Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, whose qualifications you will never hear the end of.

Then there’s Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, the former governor of Michigan. By the way, Dementia Joe apparently thinks she is still governor of Michigan, because last week he called the current governor “Jennifer.”

I could go on. But you get the picture. Dementia Joe is going nowhere. The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know.

Tiffany Cross MSNBC commentator thinks Tua Tagavailoa (sp) is black and his coach is white. Hilarious

Tua is Samoan which should be obvious to a reasonably educated person by the content of his last name. Also, his coach is half black and by the Barack Obama standard would be considered black. This ignorant affirmative action dummy in the mold of Kamala Harris is simply looking for scabs to pick in terms of racial relations. She knows absolutely nothing and should be fired. However, because she is a minority she will be kept even though she is totally incompetent and stupid.

She criticized what she thought was a white Coach for playing an injured black player. Unfortunately, in terms of stupidity the left is always topping itself.

The Left Is Losing What’s Left of Its Collective Mind

We were just discussing the psychotic behavior of many of the lefties here earlier. Impeccable timing.

.....It’s already here, but it will get a lot worse, unless it is stopped now.

But there’s no appetite to stop it now from the left. Democrats don’t even give a damn about the violent attacks on Democrat voters caught on security cameras on the streets of Democrat strongholds, why would they care about anyone else?

The individual is disposable to the left, both in terms of rights and existence. The average Democrat voter doesn’t know this – most still labor under the delusion that Democrats are “for the little guy” or about unions, and their voting habits reflect a muscle reflex more than knowledge – but it doesn’t matter. A vote cast from a place of blind ignorance counts just as much as one based on an understanding of the Constitution.

As long as Democrats have monopolistic control over the education system, they’ll be able to churn out obedient drones at an alarming pace. Haven’t you ever wondered by the people who while about the “school to prison pipeline” only talk about shutting down the prison part, but never talk about reforming the school part? If some school systems are doing such a horrible job that they’re feeding kids directly to the prison system, shouldn’t you stop that, rather than just letting violent people out of prison?

The left would have to care about individuals, victims of crime, to act to prevent them. They don’t. Will all of them out there, not a one has tried to do anything about it. Sure, they lie about caring in campaign speeches, but what have they done? Nothing.

The collective mind is a powerful thing. Just a couple of years ago, no Democrat was confused about what a woman was. Now, as if by magic, there isn’t a single Democrat with the testicular fortitude to stand up and say what was known for all of human history until 20 minutes ago. Did they all come to some fresh, new realization? Did Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, after more than 80 years of life, wake up in a cold sweat and somehow realize they and everyone they’ve ever known was wrong about gender?

Weird how this wasn’t an issue that long ago. Bill Clinton wasn’t accidentally hooking up with male interns too. He knew what a woman was. So did Hillary, they were the people Bill cheated on her with. No Democrat was confused, now they’ve all flipped. Not a single one is left to say something as basic as, “Wait a minute, we’re going a little too far here.” The power of the collective mind…

What’s next? What isn’t? When you aren’t bound by reality or held accountable by anyone, there are no limits. You can request to send a guy to jail for 6 months for contempt of Congress while whining about having too many people in prisons simply because he’s on the other team. You can warn donors of nuclear Armageddon before heading to your vacation home for the weekend, because being where you’d need to be if you weren’t lying isn’t that fun.

There are no limits when there is no one to question you, no one to hold you accountable.

Except there is. There is one chance, November 8th. Blow that and leftists won’t be gluing themselves to things here, they’ll be gluing anyone who won’t conform.

Black Voters Are Shifting Right and the Left Is Losing It

The left seems to think black Americans are their "property." Shame on them.

I have a response to that. It is in black America's best interest to vote republican.

Election day is two weeks away, and the Left is freaking out about losses among minority voters such as Blacks, once a reliable base of support. The signs of the freakout are everywhere, but especially in the desperate, wacky, and downright insulting tactics they are currently employing to lure, nudge, and shame Blacks into voting for liberal candidates.

Let's start with the insulting. MSNBC host Tiffany Cross slammed the Republican National Committee's slate of "diverse" Republican congressional candidates, saying "faces of color do not always equate to voices of color." She then tokenized minority Republicans, including those currently serving in Congress such as Senators Ted Cruz, Tim Scott, and Marco Rubio, and Representatives Byron Donalds, Mayra Flores, Nicole Malliotakis, Burgess Owens, and others, adding that they are "the political equivalent of 'some of my best friends are Black.'"

Liberal elites often dismiss conservative minority candidates to avoid real debate. Hosts like Cross, elected officials, and political pundits don't want minority voters to know that there are good reasons to consider non-liberal candidates, especially those of the same race. It undercuts the narrative that Democrats are the party of inclusivity. Increasingly, the criticism that Republicans don't reach out to communities of color is proving as false as the belief that conservative values don't resonate with minorities.

Now, to the desperate. The stakes are high in this midterm election. The Right enjoys enthusiasm from reliable Republican voters, but also interest from newly disaffected liberal voters who are angry about the draconian pandemic mandates that destroyed livelihoods, as well as the radical race and gender ideology infiltrating schools and inflation. And the Left is fighting apathy among minorities.
