Harris has shot 44% from three in the playoffs. Going 2 of 13 is an anomaly. Most of those were clean-ish looks.If Harris is taking 23 shots, your team is in trouble. 2 for 13 from 3 pt range.
They moved kawhi off Simmons and put him on jimmy. Jimmy still got his, but the rest of the team sans redick left something to be desired. If embiid isn’t going to show up, the sixers are going to have issues.
I tend to be of the mindset that teams regress to the mean in seven game series. Neither team has done that at all. Embiid isnt dominating (though he was like +17 on the court today) and so someone has to pick it up. But either way, this is the jimmy vs kawhi show and jimmy has a much better supporting cast.
I don’t know how this series will play out, but I do know that if Toronto wins, they’ve got no chance against whoever they play with kawhi putting in these minutes. He’s going to be drained by the end of this series.