149 Semi: Zain vs. Troy Heilmann (UNC)
Per 1
zain in on a single and gets a quick TD before they go OOB with 2:41, 2-0. Zain has a boot in for a short time, then takes it out. Troy stands, but Zain lifts him and takes him down. OOB with 1:57 left. Zain gives the esc, 2-1. Zain with a quick double for a TD, 4-1. They are OOB with 1:32 left. Zain cuts him, 4-2. Zain shoots a double, nothing. Troy had a bit of a headlock, nothing. Zain shoots, goes from a double, to a single, and slips behind for the TD, 6-2. End. RT @ 1:37 for Zain
Per 2
Zain takes bottom. There was a stall warning in the 1st against Troy. Zain out in 4 sec, 7-2. He quickly shoots but is blocked. Stoppage for blood, or something. It was a TV, so a point for Heilmann, 7-3. Troy reaches, nothing. Zain in on a low single, switches to a double, back to a single, but nothing. Zain shoots, nothing. Under 1. Zain with a single, but they are OOB with 13 sec. End. RT @ 1:33 for Zain
Per 3
Neutral for Heilmann. Heilmann reaches, Zain counters but they go OOB with 1:31 left. Stoppage for grabbing fingers. 1:21 left. Troy shoots, nothing. Under 1. Zain with a single for the TD, 9-3.He cuts him with 3 sec left, 9-4. With 1:47 RT, it's a 10-4 decision
He'll face Perry of LH in the finals