Lord! What % of Iowa matches end the first period 0-0?
83%Lord! What % of Iowa matches end the first period 0-0?
Jesus Christ what did Mark Hall just do to poor Drew Hughes?
It's March again. The March meltdown is how I remember to set my clock ahead an hour. Check back next month.Iowa faithfuls in full meltdown on the state of Hawk wrestling on HR.
Talk about foreshadowing….4:00+ in RT for Caffey. Kid has some thighs on him. Don't know if quads save you from the cradle though.
Iowa style.Lord! What % of Iowa matches end the first period 0-0?
Watching the Stevenson matchCameraman asleep at the wheel here.
Seriously?Cassar gets a double late for the major 12-4
PSU in 12th place. Should we be concerned?
They started early. Even before Bowman wrestled his first match, a guy called Vak posted:Iowa faithfuls in full meltdown on the state of Hawk wrestling on HR.
Parris just can't figure out Jennings.
Looks like Anthony gonna get Jennings. Jennings beat parris again