285 Semi: Cassar vs. Gable Steveson (Minny)
A repeat of the B1G Final
Per 1
OOB with 2:45. Stall warning on Cassar for backing off. OOB with 2:31 left. Collar ties. Steveson reaches for an ankle, nothing. Nearly a TD on the edge, but waved off, but a stall call on Cassar, 0-1. End.
Per 2
Steveson takes bottom. Caution on Steveson. 2nd caution on Steveson. Stevenson up, and he's out in 8 sec, 0-2. End. Really no shots
Per 3
Caesar takes bottom. He's up and out in a few seconds, 1-2. Steveson shoots and Cassar with a counter for a TD, 3-2. OOB with 1:10 left. RT @ 39 sec. Steveson up, and out but RT at 1:02. Challenge brick thrown by Minny -- they must think Steveson was out before the RT was over 1 min. It was close. We're going to video review. Call is overturned -- it's 1:01 RT. LOL. 38 sec left. Stevenson reaches, nothing. End. PD stoppage with 24 sec. Stevenson reaches, nothing. Challenge brick thrown again by Minny. The PSU fans are booing. Call is confirmed, no head gear grab. End. With 1:01 in RT, Cassar is the 4-3 winner!!!!!