165 Semi: Joseph vs. Joshua Shields (Arizona St)
Per 1
Joseph in early on a leg, Shields with a whizzer, Joseph trips him down and gets the TD, then OOB with 2:34 left, 2-0. Shields up, but they go OOB with 2:18 left. Shields up again and Joseph lets him go, 2-1. Shields reaches, nothing. Shields in on a leg, Joseph with a whizzer, nothing. Stalemate with 1:20 left. Joseph reaches, nothing. End. RT @ 23 sec for Joseph
Per 2
Joseph takes bottom. Joseph to his feet, lifted and taken back to the mat, up again, and tripped back down. Up again, and OOB with 1:32 left. Joseph up, and turns, looked for a trip but gets just the esc, 3-1. Shields in on a leg at the edge, and they are OOB with 53 sec. Collar ties for a while. End. RT @ 11 sec for Shields
Per 3
Shields takes bottom. Shields to his feet, and tripped back down. Shields to his feet and gets the esc, 3-2. A brief flurry. Joseph snaps the head down, but can't spin behind, and a stalemate with 1:02 left. Shields shoots, Joseph sprawls, has a headlock, and stalemate with 41 sec. Caution on Shields on the restart. Battling near the edge, and OOB with 19 sec. Stall warning on Joseph. End. A 3-2 decision!