133 7th Place: RBY vs. Lizak (Minny)
Per 1
RBY with a quick TD, 2-0. Lizak with a quick esc, 2-1. Then Lizak with a TD, 2-3, and they go OOB with 2:02 left. RBY stands, and Lizak stays with him. Backpack will be a challenge for RBY from on top. Stalemate with 58 sec left. RT goes over 1 min. Lizak goes for a tilt, and gets 4 NF, then RBY with a reversal, 4-7. End
Per 2
RBY takes neutral. RBY in deep, Lizak grabs an ankle, they scramble, and a stalemate with 1:05 left. RBY in on a low single, Lizak over the top grabs a foot, RBY staying high and working around, and the period ends. RT @ 57 sec for Lizak
Per 3
Lizak takes top. RBY hits a roll, but Lizak stays with him. Stall warning on Lizak, so they reset with 1:21 left. RBY working up, Lizak throws in a boot while they are standing, RBY hits a roll but they go OOB with 1:05 left. RBY up, another roll, then another, but Backpack stays with him. RBY to his feet, another roll, but they are now on the mat. RT over 2 min for Lizak. Stall call on Lizak, 5-7, with 26 sec. RBY to his feet, a roll, and Lizak with the boot stays with him. Another roll, and he'll rideout. With RT, it's a 5-8 decision for Lizak.
The commentators made multiple mistakes during the PBP. Geez, I'd do it for peanuts, and not make the mistakes.