2021 NCAAs Session 6 (Finals) Thread

Well I just looked at HR and amazingly it turns out that all of the stall calls on RBY were warranted, also Cael apparently shoots up all of our wrestlers before the match, Lee also was stalling, and last but not least, the Sandusky card was played not once, not twice, but three times. Stay classy Iowa.
So they’re keeping quiet about their head coach being suspended in high school for participation in a gang bang that may have been against her will?

But I digress
I’m dead serious find me a bookie that will take Penn State 2023 over 200. I’ll parlay 7 Individual champs for a G. Gotta get solid odds on that right?
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It's unreal the abuse kem dog is taking over on all accounts a great kid and a great wrestler who saved them last year is now suddenly being called a choker and weak by his own fans. Sad.
I remember Jason Nolf talking about how nice of a kid Kemerer was after he beat him a few years back at NCAA'S. It's a shame his fans don't recognize his sacrifice to wrestle at Iowa and be a class act and a great wrestler.
He came across dickish to me. A departure from his typical classy demeanor. He seems to have regressed as a person while Desantos has improved as a person.

Umm Spencer's interview def came across a bit pissed off/annoyed, but DeSanto was banned from the medal ceremony for his actions... Spencer's still a helluva kid is seems