Wrestling LIVE THREAD: Penn State vs. Iowa

all he would have to do is attack 2 more times and that match isn't close. just because it works doesn't mean there isn't something that works better.

geez i'm surprised at the push back. maybe i have a higher opinion of rby than you do?
He's won 4 in a row and is a National Champion. Good grief.
No excuses there. Murin was good. Beau has to figure a way to generate some offense against taller guys. He’ll get there.
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If we could take one at 157 or 165… it would be huge. Keep the crowd out of it.
I’m with JS. That match by RBY made no sense. He can take him down at Will. And If I was the ref he’d have been down 1-0 after one
frankly, he's lucky that those stalemates take so long because it creates the illusion that he's doing more than he is. if desanto would shoot, then back right out, then shoot again, he might have gotten that extra point.

and that's my larger point. rby is on a different level, but he's creating a path to victory for desanto if he gets an aggressive official. he got outshot like 15-1 in that match. doesn't need to be that way.
Good first period by BearClaw. 0-0 and the only one close to scoring was BearClaw.
Question. What kind of advice was Telford giving Young there at the end of the second? Kaleb, Kaleb lay on him man, just put your weight on him and lay there.
ADS didn't look pleased at the handshake. Too bad.

That match is the kind that could drive AD over the edge. He went at RBY hard and couldn't finish any shots. It was almost as if RBY was toying him, knowing he could fight off everything Desanto had. The lack of offense from RBY early on, likely only frustrated AD more. I can definitely feel for AD. He's wired a little short anyway, and in that atmosphere, having RBY deny everything and eke out a win had to have him close to the edge. You know AD wanted to fight him, but held back. I actually give him credit for not boiling over.