Michigan match thread - Fri, Jan 19

Everybody here knows he’d be wrestling if it was the national tournament. He’s probably sick or dinged up so his coaches are (intelligently) not going to throw him out there against a national champion when they don’t need him.

When other teams do this, this board cries about ducking. So do I. The only reason I’m teasing you guys is because you all pretend that PSU never does this when they clearly do, just like every other team.
Appreciate lion vision giving us 20 mins pregame with Byers for Indiana and nothing for Michigan.
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I think it’s far more likely they’re trying to give DeAugustino more time off the scale. He’s enormous and old. They probably had their fingers crossed for 133.
Correct ... I was somewhat shocked Minnesota/Iowa started at 125 lol, unless it randomly drew 125. You know Minnesota wanted more time for McKee against Gas Tank Drake.
Lionvision finally on

Confirmed Evans at 149 and TB at 174

And Gomez out
During Levi and Will Lewan’s match Gibbons said he is an exciting wrestler to watch. Wonder is he meant Lewan🤣?
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Donald Duck Feels Good Man GIF
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Haines vs Lewan

Nothing thru a minute
Nothing thru two minutes
Double stall calls
Shot Levi. Nothing
0-0 after one

Levi on bottom. Out in 8 secs. 1-0 Levi
Levi shoots. Nothing.
Levi half shot
Levi half shot
Levi half shot
1-0 Levi after two

Lewan on bottom.
Sit out. Stands. Out in 20 secs. 1-1
Levi shoots. Nothing.
Lewan finally shoots. Nothing
Levi shoots. Nothing
And again.
And again. Stalling Lewan. 2-1 Levi.
Lewan upperbody. Nothing

Levi wins 2-1

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