Nebraska dual thread - Jan. 17

157 - #3 Tyler Kasak VS #5 Antrell Taylor

Period 1:
Tying up, Kasak with a slide by attempt, but no luck. Taylor has double unders. Kasak drops in on a leg, but Taylor squares up with him. Out of bounds, restart, 2:14 left. Circling & head tapping. Kasak snaps & they break. Tying up, Kasak with another slide by attempt, but Taylor fights him off. Taylor drops in on a leg, Kasak counters, gets a leg & then trips Taylor to the mat, 3-0. Kasak has Taylor on his back & is looking for the fall. Kasak adds 4 NF, 7-0. Wow! Kasak is stud muffin! Kasak has Taylor bellied out & they go out of bounds, restart. Taylor is still down. Kasak has 50-sec riding time. Taylor gets to one foot, then both & gets the escape, 7-1. Out of bounds, restart, 18-sec left. Kasak is still over 1-min of riding time. Circling & then tying up & that's how the period ends. 7-1 Kasak, +1:02 RT

Period 2:
Kasak takes down. He gets to a quad pod, then gets the escape & flips back his hair on the way back to center, 8-1. Circling, Taylor tries a body lock & drives Kasak out of bounds, restart. Tying up & breaking. Taylor is tapping on Kasak's head, 1-min left. Taylor shoots, Kasak counters, but nobody scores, 45-sec left. Taylor has double unders, but Kasak drives forward & they go out of bounds, restart, 34-sec left. Circling & Taylor is tapping at the head & pokes Kasak in the eye. Stoppage & restart, 19-sec left. Circling, tying up & breaking & that's how the period ends. 8-1 Kasak, +55-sec RT

Period 3:
Taylor takes down. Kasak goes over 1-min of riding time. Taylor gets to his feet, but Kasak drives him out of bounds, restart. Taylor is still down & then gets to his feet. Kasak jacks him up, Taylor rolls, but Kasak stays with him, comes out on top & is looking for a bottom leg turk. Kasak has Taylor all twisted up on the edge, 1-min left. Stoppage & restart. Taylor is still down. Taylor gets to a quadpod & Kasak lets him go, 8-2. Riding time is secured. Taylor pushes forward & drives Kasak out of bounds. Kasak gets a stall warning, 33-sec left. Taylor comes forward & drives Kasak out again. Kasak gets another stall call & Taylor gets a point, 8-3. The coaches are telling Kasak to get another TD, but nothing more happens & time expires. Kasak adds a riding time point, 9-3.

Tyler Kasak DEC Antrell Taylor 9-3

Team Score:

PSU: 26
NEB: 7
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Lovett wrestles so loose and reacts smart to everything you throw at him. He can be beaten but you have to prepare to wrestle him. SVN didn't react great on two exchanges and that was the match.
First shot he had should have been a take down he missed a lot in that match wrestled out of control a little