Official PSU - MSU Game Thread

Listen to ESPNU radio. Also, upset alert and their final picks are not always the same. And don’t forget Wanny.

Based on recent history against Michigan State why would you or anyone be upset if anyone believe we could be upset this weekend? There was reason to believe that was possible. In the end, the picked us.
If you hate ESPN so much why do you listen to their radio show?
And caring about Wanny is like caring about what Mark May said. Or Lee Corso at this point.
In that pregame picture of Franklin and Dantonio at halftime Dantonio was smiling!

It is the apocolypse!?!? Praise baby Jesus!!!
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I don't know who coaches special teams, but only 1 extra point in this half stinks.
Based on recent history against Michigan State why would you or anyone be upset if anyone believe we could be upset this weekend? There was reason to believe that was possible. In the end, the picked us.
If you hate ESPN so much why do you listen to their radio show?
And caring about Wanny is like caring about what Mark May said. Or Lee Corso at this point.
I don’t care what they say, I just get annoyed with yahoos on this board who try to act like there’s not an anti-PSU bias with the talking heads.
I don’t care what they say, I just get annoyed with yahoos on this board who try to act like there’s not an anti-PSU bias with the talking heads.

I get annoyed with the yahoos on this board who to act like there's an anti-PSU bias with the talking heads. So we're at an impasse.
Pitt did almost beat us. Seems like that was a good call, right? Sounded dumb at the time but now not so much.
If there was any logical reason for it other than pure hatred. He picks against us almost every week. I would think you were smarter than that, but I’m having my doubts.
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I get annoyed with the yahoos on this board who to act like there's an anti-PSU bias with the talking heads. So we're at an impasse.
There’s no doubt there is...what other top 6 teams would be on upset alert against MSU and Iowa? Bama? Clemson? OSU? Give me a fvckin break.
If we win handily it will just be because MSU isn’t that good...even though everyone and their brother had us on upset alert.

Ummm, MSU is the only "common opponent" to date that PSU and duhO$U would have. duhO$U struggled against MSU for a quarter and a half @Home. Score was 3-0 duhO$U after 1st. 10-7 with 12 minutes remaining in half. 17-10 with 8 min left in half.... duhO$U never really blew MSU out (only put up 17 points in 2nd half) - it was more that MSU's offense just reeks. Final was 34-10 - and again, it was played at "duh Shoe". So far, PSU's performance is far more impressive, especially because it's @ East Lansing. What is amazing is the coverage duhO$U was given for beating a bad MSU team @Home. We were told that this was a quality win against a quality opponent unlike PSU's wins to that point (3 weeks ago). Cincinnati is duhO$U's best freaking win - CINCINNATI!! Now PSU is pasting what was hailed as duhO$U's hallmark win and won't get the credit duhO$U got despite destroying them on the road vs duhO$U paying them @Home.
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If there was any logical reason for it other than pure hatred. He picks against us almost every week. I would think you were smarter than that, but I’m having my doubts.

I thought it was dumb at the time but it turned out not to be bad. Hard to complain about it given what happened.

Why do you care if a former Pitt coach dislikes us? Who cares? It impacts nothing.

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