Official PSU - MSU Game Thread

Watching the play live it is completely understandable that they'd call it to review it. I'd have been shocked if it wasn't called there. It was handled by the book and, in the end, the call was right. That's all that matters.
That’s why I said it’s sad that we’ve gotten to that point.
Poor special teams play. In that situation you don’t move a mm.
Are we going to go against a Don Brown defense in the second half?

Recent history has me wondering....

Found myself screaming at the TV for the first time this season. Given the recent history, I don't want a milligram of hope for MSU.....
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this feels like the type of scenario where dantonio pulls a td out of his ass.
BTW, doesn't the OL have to move in "reaction" to defender jumping across LOS, not several seconds after defender has gotten back onsides???
At the half, Clifford player of the game.

Hope his shoulder is OK. I always worry when a QB runs that the throwing shoulder will be a casualty. Saw it happen earlier this year.
Still half a game to play but so far it's been a good day. Up 21-0. Oklahoma lost. Pitt lost. And if Michigan beats ND I'll sleep very well tonight.

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